Chapter 21. Mohali

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The next day, Shubman was excitedly preparing for a trip to his family's village in Punjab. As he packed his bags, he decided to video call his family to finalize the plans. His phone was propped up on the table, and he chatted animatedly with his parents and sister, Shahneel.

In the background, Hira walked by, catching the attention of Shubman's mother. "Hira beta!" she called out warmly, waving at her through the screen. Hira smiled shyly and approached the phone, greeting them with a warm smile. "Hello, Aunty. Hello, Uncle. Hi, Didi"

Shahneel, always full of energy and enthusiasm, immediately had an idea. "Hira, you should come with us to Punjab! It'll be so much fun, and we'd love to have you."

Hira hesitated, unsure if she should intrude on their family trip. "Oh, I don't want to impose," she started, glancing at Shubman.

Shubman, who had been hoping she would join them, quickly jumped in. "Hira, it would mean a lot to me if you came. Plus, my family already loves you," he said, giving her a reassuring smile.

His mother nodded in agreement. "Yes, Hira. We'd love to have you with us. You're part of our family now," she said kindly.

Seeing their genuine enthusiasm and feeling touched by their acceptance, Hira finally gave in. "Alright, I'll come," she said, smiling.

The excitement on the other side of the screen was palpable. Shahneel clapped her hands in delight. "Yay! This is going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed.

Shubman looked at Hira, his eyes shining with happiness. "Thank you, Hira. This means a lot to me."

Hira nodded, feeling a warm sense of belonging as she joined in their plans. The prospect of the trip, surrounded by Shubman's loving family, made her feel both nervous and excited. It was a new step in their relationship, one that she was eager to take together.

After agreeing to join Shubman and his family on the trip to Punjab, She realized she needed to inform her own parents about her plans. She decided to call them and let them know about the trip, hoping they would be okay with it.

Finding a quiet corner in Shubman's apartment, she dialed her mother's number. Her heart raced a bit as she waited for the call to connect. After a few rings, her mother picked up.

"Hello mummy," Hira greeted, trying to sound casual.

"Hiru, dikra! How are you?" her mother responded warmly.

"I'm good, Mummy. I have some news," Hira began, taking a deep breath. "Shubman and his family are going to their village in Punjab for a few days, and they've invited me to join them."

Her mother paused for a moment before responding. "That sounds lovely, Hira. Is Shubman treating you well?"

"Haan mummy. He's very sweet, and treats me like a Queen," Hira said, hoping to reassure her.

"I'm glad to hear that," her mother replied. "It's important to feel comfortable with him. How long will you be gone?"

"Just a few days. I'll be back soon," Hira assured her.

Her mother sighed softly. "Alright, Dikra. Just make sure to take care of yourself and keep us updated, okay?"

"I will, Mummy. Thank you," Hira said, feeling a wave of relief.

Her mother chuckled lightly. "Have a great time, beta. And say hello to Shubman and his family from us."

"I will. Love you," Hira said, feeling a warmth spread through her.

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