Chapter Eleven

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It's been four months of marriage already and gratefully everything is going smooth till now

And today I'm so happy, it's a very special day for me because finally I'm going to get 6% share from Lee Corporation

6% is too little but it's only the first step to get into that company, and it's my gift to marry their daughter... so yeah!

"Young Mr. Jeon, everything is ready, now we should leave for Lee corporation" my personal assistant said after checking the papers I need to sign on there "Did Y/N reached there?" I asked getting up from my chair "Not yet, I got information that Young Mrs Jeon and Mr. and Mrs Jeon are on their way" he informed me "Hmm" I nodded and decided to leave for the company

Lee Corporation

"How is there company going?" I asked my assistant as soon as I stepped into the company "After the collaboration their stock has risen up-to 38%" he said making me amazed "In just 4 months? Woah!... So now they aren't going bankrupt anymore" I chuckled and he nodded before going to the reception

"Young Mr. Jeon, the receptionist said everyone is already here and we need to go to the top floor" he said getting information from the receptionist and I nodded



Soon Jungkook and his assistant reached the top floor room where everyone was waiting for them "Hello everyone" Jungkook greeted entering the room and took his seat beside you when his assistant sat beside him and his parents were sitting on the other side beside you, Eun-Jun, Hee-Won and Eun-Jun's assistant were sitting on the opposite side of table leaving the Chairman seat empty as that chair belongs to your father

"Ok, we all know why we're here, so let's start the process without wasting any time" Eun-Jun spoke "If everything is set then why do they need me here?" You whispered to yourself but as the room was filled with pin dropped silent everyone heard that "Just cooperate!" Said Eun-Jun to shut you

"As Eun-Ha noona and Beom-Seok hyung lives abroad and we've already signed on the papers so just Y/N needs to sign on it now" Eun-Jun said sliding the paper towards you, without seeing what was written on it you just signed as you already know there isn't anything which can benefit you

After you Jungkook also signed on the paper and thus the agreement were successfully complete

After some business talks the small meeting was finally over and everyone left the room to go their separate ways when Jungkook went with Eun-Jun to his office room

"Why only 6%? Isn't it too little?" Jungkook asked sitting on the couch in Eun-Jun's office when Eun-Jun sat on the opposite side of couch "That's what everyone gets for marrying a shareholder of this company" said Eun-Jun "So it's like a gift right?" Jungkook asked "You can say, my wife and Beom-Seok hyung also got the same amound and according to the contract if we get divorce they will lose their shares but in your case it's different, even if you get divorce no one can take shares from you" said Eun-Jun and Jungkook nodded

"Hmm that's great... but what about my other shares? I mean you promised you will give me a large amount of share after marrying your sister" Jungkook asked "Did I ever mentioned it's me who'll give you share?" Eun-Jun asked back pointing at himself before continuing "And we only have our mother's 50% shares which are now distributed among six of us" said Eun-Jun "What do you mean it's not you who'll give me shares, huh? Don't tell me you're going to betray me" said Jungkook on the verge of anger "Woh woh calm down, calm down... I'm not betraying and there's no shares left in my hand... the other 50% is on appa's name and what I meant by large amount was taking all the shares your wife has, I mean she isn't interested in business so just take whatever she has under her name" Eun-Jun explained but hearing him Jungkook scoffed "And you think your stubborn sister will give that to me for no reason?" Jungkook asked glaring at him "You know what? I regret trusting someone like you... actually that's not your fault but mine, how came I forgot I'm trusting the same person who was ready to sell off his sister for money!" Jungkook spoke bitterly and stood up to go in anger

"Jungkook, it's not like that... and why you all are saying I sold Y/N when that's not the-" Eun-Jun spoke to stop Jungkook from going but he cut him off by yelling on his face "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M NO LONGER INTERESTED IN HEARING YOUR RUBBISH!" with that he left the room, closing the door with loud sound


Closing the door behind, Jungkook sat on the bed where you were already sitting

He looked at you and saw you're texting someone with an irritated frown on your face "Y/N?" He called you when you hummed without looking at him "Can I ask you something?" Jungkook asked and you again hummed without looking up "How much shares do you have in your brother's company?" He asked and this time you looked up at him "Father's company" you corrected him "And why are you suddenly so interested on my shares, huh? Is it because that fucker refused to give you more so now you're planning to snatch mine?" you asked with a risen eyebrow making him scoffed "Why would you think that much? I just simply asked and that's it" he scoffed again "Whatever!"



Aish talking to this brat is of no use... I can never understand how she gets to know exactly everything... sometimes I really suspect she's a witch like she claims jokingly

But for now I shouldn't focus on these things, I just need to know how much shares she has and how much she'll get in the future... I definitely need to take them all before divorce to be more powerful in this industry



Taking my shares? Is it that easy Mr. Jeon Jungkook? And you wanna be powerful, huh? Of course I'll make you powerful, just wait a little bit... And about divorce... sorry but you're not getting that, you're tied to me in a not so good relationship where you've already in love with me then how can you live after divorcing me, huh?

Chuckling at myself I looked back at my phone and seeing the last message my face turned dark again and smirk placed on my face 'Just do what you were supposed to do or be ready to face consequences which won't be good... Princess!'

'Consequences?' I chuckled thinking about what consequences they can give me

'You all can never imagine what dirty game I'm about to play with the both worlds... And here you want to give me consequences?... Just wait a little longer then we'll see who gets the consequences!'


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