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"Emputu azhagu..." (How beautiful is she...) My mind voice mutters as soon as I see Gowthami, standing on the stairs with a sickening look etched on her face. I barely care about that. She's gorgeous, no matter what kind of reaction she offers me. But when she gets angry, it's a treat to my eyes.

She has this surreal beauty...

I watched her grow up to this ethereal woman. Me and my mother were abandoned by my father, a drunkard, who fought with his friends in a gambling game and was cut to death with a knife by his fellow drunkard friends. I was ten when he died.

After his death, Mom was disturbed by a lowlife and I had to get hold of a sword to defend her. A huge issue broke out when I sliced that bastard's hand off. I was brought to the panchayat arena for repercussions. If the previous Village head had been there, he would have punished me but it was his son, Dharmendran who acted as the Village head due to his father's death and he actually appreciated me for standing up for my mother.

I developed great respect for him then. And instead of berating me as I anticipated, he scolded the lowlife and warned him to behave...

But he didn't. He again came to our house to take revenge on my mom and I'd to kill him to protect my mother. I pierced the knife into his chest and put an end to his life. Mom was horrified but I was still angry, I wanted to destroy him more...I didn't feel an ounce of fear.

That is when I realized how monstrous I was. We hid his body in our home and I and mom went to the Village head's home to confess what I'd done. I thought I would be escorted to jail but Ayya (respectable term) supported me. He patted my shoulder and praised my courage.

He helped us get rid of the lowlife's body without anyone noticing and right then I decided to dedicate my life to this man. I requested him whether I could work for him and he accepted.

After that day, all my life revolved around blood, painful screams, hits, and cruel deaths.

Amidst all these, the only breath of fresh air is my Gowthami. She never liked me. Since we were little, she used to glare at me. When she attained her puberty, she started to curse me...and now that she has become a woman, I know she'll not hesitate to throw hands at me.

I understood the reason for her hatred. She doesn't like what we do to our enemies. She despises fights and she is not very fond of anyone who involves in it. But how could we stop this now? If we back off, the foes will have the upper hand. They're not people who will settle for oral treaties.

Only punches can shut them up.

Gowthami won't get it though. I don't know how to approach her and make her love me when she has this deep hatred for me. I'm not afraid of what Ayya has to say to my interest in his daughter. All my concern is about her consent. Not that I would leave her If she says no. I'll chase her till she surrenders to me.

She's born for alone.

At present, the night has set in and everyone's asleep. However, I'm staying awake on the veranda of Ayya's house to protect him from potential dangers.

When I was eighteen, someone invaded Ayya's house and I caught him and hit him till he fell unconscious. Ayya had from then on let me safeguard his house even at night. I was allowed access to every inch of this house.

Except that one room where my love dwells.

Laying down on the veranda, I bring the sword up to my face level and imagine Gowthami in my head.

When we make love, I want to undress her with this sword...

I've waited a long while already. I'm twenty-seven now and I've to confess to her as soon as possible. Ayya is also searching a groom for her so I can't delay it any longer. rasathi (an endearing word, rasa means king, rasathi translates to princess) the day I will mark you as mine is not farther.


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