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"Amma agreed to our marriage Chanakya!" Gowthami says happily as she perches on the passenger seat of the car.

"Wow..." Shakthi and Hari who were in the back seat cooed teasingly. As soon as Gowthami hears their voice, she becomes flustered. I smile at her blushing self and felt pleased at what she said. Amma's a sweet and cool woman, thus her assent to our marriage wasn't unanticipated.

"What about Ayya? How are you going to convince him?" Hari questions eagerly as I start the car and ride out of the main gate. "I have got a plan for that," Gowthami says confidently and smiles widely at me.

Somehow her expression seemed suspicious and I squint my eyes ahead at the road, trying to figure out her 'plan'. I don't think Ayya would fall for any plan. He is clever, If Gowthami could make her plan work out, then it simply means that Ayya deliberately has budged to it. In no way she could deceive her father.

"What's that?" We all ask the question, simultaneously. "Amma told me that she had talked with father to get us married but he rejected you on one ground. That is, your education status. More specifically, your inability to understand and speak English so..." I don't quite like the direction where this is going.

"So you want Chanakya to learn English and impress Ayya!?" Shakthi blurts out and Gowthami nods her head proudly.

The two guys then burst into intense laughter while I grit my teeth and hold the steering wheel tighter, furious at their mockery.

And what in the world is Gowthami thinking!? I don't want to learn English. I suck at studies. It's a nightmare to me, especially English.

They began teaching us English from our 3rd standard and within that two years, I learned the alphabet and I could read some words. But the pronounciation is so difficult and our English teacher was a devil that we'd been subjected to butt-burning hits from him whenever we would fail the exam or answer wrongly to his questions.

"A for Apple...B for ball..." The males in the backseat sing it and laugh together. Meanwhile, Gowthami is staring at me expectantly.

"I'm not learning English," I state sternly. "Don't you want us to get married with my father's blessing, Chanakya!?" She asks emotionally, trying to manipulate me.

"Not really," She gasps at my response. "How can you say that Chanakya!? This is a golden opportunity for you to lure my father into accepting you," She mutters, gawking at me in disbelief.

"And so!? You want me to learn English at this age of mine?" I retort, frowning her way. "Age is just a number Chanakya. It doesn't forbid you from learning new things," I send her an irritated look.

"Yes, it doesn't, I agree with her," Hari mutters and Shakthi follows suit. Then they start laughing again. These guys! Having had enough, I press my foot on the brake without precaution, and that causes the two jokers in the back seat to lose their balance and hit their head on the seat in front of them.

I smirk at their state but pause as I notice Gowthami peering at me, unblinkingly. "Sollu, English padipa thanae?" (Tell, you will learn English, right?) She asks that in an almost deadly tone and that blank yet terrifying look on her face made me doubt whether this is the same girl who was moaning to my kiss.

"Yes," I oblige, and instantly, her face brightens up.

"We'll start our class today. Come to the terrace in the evening, okay!?" I grumpily nod my head whereas my friends in the backseat stifle their chuckles at my condition.


"We'll start with the alphabet Chanakya. Tell the alphabet in order," I uninterestedly scratch my beard as I rewind the letters that I'd learned a decade and a half ago.

Fuck it, I don't want to learn this language. I can't remember it clearly.
It goes like A, b, c, d, e, f, g...and then what?

"I forgot," I crankily mutter and lean against the parapet of the terrace. Gowthami is standing in front of me with a decent distance established between us. She's in a blue half saree and the small region of her bare waist that is peeping through her saree is inviting me to taste it, to bite it and ravish it...

"Okay, I'll teach you," she says and writes something, probably alphabets, on the book in her hand. As she was intently scribbling, I couldn't help but be tempted by her. Those lips, I want to eat them again.

After what happened between us the last day, I couldn't handle myself and beat my dick to her thought. I imagined her on the bed, her hair sprawled across the pillow, a desperate look on her face, her mouth parted in pleasure and she was almost crying, unable to take in all of me and the rapture I was offering her...

That was the scenario that had me leak within seconds. Fuck, I'm becoming hard again.

"Chanakya, here," she comes closer to me and places the book on the surface of the parapet as she begins teaching me the alphabet. I wanted to listen to her, but she was so distracting.

She pronounces each letter and glances into my eyes and it is a matter of time before she halts, understands my situation, and sighs.

"You weren't listening, were you?" she eyes me with annoyance. "How can I when you are this exquisite..." I grab at her waist but she doesn't moan. She instead hisses in pain and perks up at me, ferociously.

"Vidu Chanakya," (Leave Chanakya,) I obey her words and retract my hand after squishing her waist.

"I'm serious when I say this Chanakya. If you don't want to learn English, then you have no consent from me to touch me as you please," she puts forth with a stoic mien.

"Ratchasi...(Demoness)" I grip her cheeks harshly and bring her to me.

"You know you have me wrapped around your fingers...and you are taking advantage of it, huh?" She keeps gazing at me in enmity and I release her from my grasp.

"English thanae...padichita pochu," (I will learn English,) I claim determinedly, causing a smile to play at Gowthami's lips.


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