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I was flabbergasted, by everything Chanakya did and said to me. His actions and words made me forget about the danger I was in.

I didn't know it was this serious. I disregarded their care and speculated that they were being overly cautious. I was bored with being inside the home and under vigilance for 24/7. That was why I left the house sneakily, right when Shakthi who was guarding the backside of our home shifted away.

But after knowing the truth, I understood why they've been so protective of me. I felt extremely stupid.

When Chanakya escorted me back home, Amma shouted at me and cried. She was so distressed and it shattered my heart that I acted recklessly and caused such worry to her. Appa was silent and relieved. He patted Chanakya's shoulder gratefully and asked me to go up to my room.

Logically, I should be horrified by the information Chanakya scattered to me. But I was distracted by something else. I'd my first kiss today and it couldn't be any better. The elation of my body and soul, I felt it all in the kiss. My lips still tingle at the recollection of the crash of his lips...

And my waist, it really hurts. He was rough and the region he grabbed is carved with his finger imprints. It has turned into a faded shade of rose.

I couldn't help but curl my toes as my mind rewinds his words. He said he would have me roughly and that...he does it with me every day in his head. It is weirdly exciting.

I facepalm at the thought and more wetness leaks out of my feminine cavity.

My panties are already soaked and remembrance of everything he did to me is adding more wetness to the fabric...

I should shower immediately.

Post-refreshing, I put on a long T-shirt and knee-length shorts. Mom brought me dinner and fed me the same. She asked me about the cut in my lips and I deceived her, saying that it was me who accidentally tore the dry layer off the lips and caused it.

She believed it.

I felt guilty. We should open up about our relationship sooner.

"Amma...what do you think of Chanakya?" She smiles as she forwards food into my mouth.

"Pudichuraka avana? Kattikiriya avana?" (Do you like him? Would you like to marry him?) I am not surprised. I know Mom is a very open-minded person and she has a good impression of Chanakya.

"Yes, ma. I love him, we are in love, and I feel safe with him," She pats my head with her left hand, delightedly. "I've been telling your dad to marry you off to him for a while now. But he's swatting away my idea on one ground. Education," she shakes her head as she says that.

"Education doesn't define a person's intelligence ma. Chanakya's smart, nevertheless. Appa should know it. Besides ma, it's not like Appa is well-educated. He has completed only school," I ask, genuinely curious.

"That's the issue. If he'd at least completed school, he would have accepted him. Because If he marries you, he is going to be the Village head. He will have more prominent work to do other than fighting people. Thus, some basic knowledge of English is essential, right?" Hence English is the problem now?

"Appa is at fault ma. He should have encouraged Chanakya to complete his studies but he instead joined him in his goon squad and taught him how to kill people. And now, he has the audacity to neglect him in the name of education!? No way! I'll teach Chanakya English and I'll make Appa approve of Chanakya. If he still remains stubborn, then I'm going to follow in your footsteps," Amma frowns at my words.

I smile cheekily as I utter, "I'll come home with the thaali (nuptial chain) around my neck tied by Chanakya," Amma hits my arm while I laugh at the horror on her countenance.

"Don't do that. It's our dream to conduct your marriage grandly. You are my only child," she cups one of my cheeks and I lean on it, feeling emotional all of a sudden.

"You are the best mom," I mumble and she plants a kiss on my forehead before moving out of my room.

But she halts at the entrance and looks me over her shoulder, "Love panrathellam seri, ellam alavoda irukatum," (It's fine that you are in love but let everything stay within limits,) I roll my eyes at her assertion.

She should tell that to her son-in-law.

"I get it," I show her a peace sign. I'm so blessed to have her as my mom. She's more or less my best friend...


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