Twenty Five

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Detailed sexual scenes will be present in the story starting from this chapter, so If anyone feels uncomfortable or does not like such scenes, you can just get off silently

--And this chapter is republished because, people can read, but voting is so difficult for them it seems. If you don't like my story, don't even read. It hurts and is demeaning to see 100+ people reading and barely 10+ voting. And oh, write for myself. Yes I'm writing for myself and because I love writing but seeing people take everything for granted and can't even sure isn't a nice feeling💀


The succeeding day, I was completely energetic and healthy. Felt like I could lift a mountain with my hands. Well, not literally but that would explain how powerful I am today.

Bidding bye to my mom, I hop on my bike to reach Ayya's residence but mother doesn't respond. We both had argued the previous night regarding my marriage with Gowthami. She's against our relationship, for all valid reasons when observed from her perspective. Firstly, Amma doesn't want to be related to Ayya's family as she feels inferior in status when compared to them. And secondly, Ayya wouldn't treat us, me, and my mother with respect for the very same reason. Hence mom wants me to marry someone from a family equal to ours.

I would've If I hadn't fallen for my Gowthami. But now, there's no stepping back. If Ayya even mildly disrespects my mother, he won't be dealing with the same Chanakya whom he has seen all these years.

At present, I wait a few more minutes to heed Mom's words but she doesn't say anything. Sighing, I start the engine and take off from there. How long would she be able to resist talking with her only son?

Upon attaining Ayya's house, I witness the scene of him getting on the jeep with a few of our men. So he's ignoring me now? He usually doesn't go anywhere without me by his side.

He glances my way dismissively as the jeep leaves the main gate. Shaking my head, I hop down my bike and approach my friends.

If Ayya doesn't want my assistance, then he is to not have it. I am not about to plead with him to accept me.

"He's neglecting you..." Shakthi says as I near him.

"Not a big deal. Tell me about what happened with those bastards. Did you guys capture them? Have any of them know about Gurumurthy's location?" Shakthi shakes his head negatively, seeming displeased. "Many are hired. Some are unconscious and some are dead. We're yet to extract confessions from few," I thoughtfully nod at him.

"Amidst all those men, there must be at least one who would know about Gurumurthy's identity. With some special treatments, the culprit will spill the truth," Shakthi approves my words and I was about to depart to the warehouse when my ears collected the accusing sound of anklet.

The rhythm of the ornament indicates the owner's complaint and how disappointed Gowthami is as I'm retreating without giving her any attention.

I smile to myself and look over my shoulder to the entrance of the house where my Gowthami prevails, leaning against the door frame. Her well-defined eyes, silently yet violently showcased her dismay.

I enjoyed her expression and just passed a wink in her direction before walking away. I've to find this Gurumurthy first...

Uncovering him is my priority now.


The warehouse sits secretively in the middle of a dense forest. The men guarding the establishment let me in as they recognized me. Inside, the dimly lit environment welcomes me to the scenario of tied-up men, bloodied and injured.

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