Thirty five

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In the morning, I arouse earlier than Gowthami due to the anguish that I feel in my head. The past night, the pain had ascended but I couldn't leave Gowthami alone thus I endured it...

However, I couldn't handle the ache for longer and hence when Gowthami asked me to leave and take rest, I utilized the time to visit the hospital. There I met with Jagan and Hari who were admitted as a result of sustaining severe injuries. Thankfully, they were out of danger.

Afterward, I went to my home, narrated everything to my mom, and freshened up before coming back to Gowthami.

Back in the hospital, I was offered some medications and they bandaged the wounded spot in my head. The doctor asked me to go to the hospital again If the pain didn't fade away in a week. I hope it does...

I did took the tablets last night and the wound hurt less then, but now, it has increased again. Hissing soundlessly, I plop a small kiss against Gowthami's forehead and move out of the bed, hurriedly making my way past the room.

The time was past 7 am but no one seemed to have woken up. After the incidents of last night, everyone indeed needs a good rest. Lowering the stairs hurriedly, I unlock the main door, shut it back, and saunter to my bike.

I drove the vehicle swiftly to my home and once I attained my destination, I rushed inside the unlocked door. Mom gives me a confused look from the entrance of the kitchen where she is seated on the floor and grating the coconut.

"Argh," I pull at my hair as I enter my room and pick the tablets off the bed.
"Amma, is the breakfast ready yet?" I ask, exiting my room and approaching my mother.

"Ennachu? un mogamae seri illayae," (What happened? Your face doesn't look fine,) I ignore her question and amble inside the kitchen to see If something is there to consume.

"Is the injury in your head not okay?" Mom queries, probably noticing the tablets in my hand.

"Aama thayae! valikuthu, mandaiya pichukalaam pola iruku. Saapta aethachum iruka!?"

(Yes mother! It hurts, I feel like pulling off my hair. Is there something to eat!?)

I retort impatiently and mom, looks at me with a concerned expression before she speaks up, "I've made pooris', it's there," as she points to a plate that was topped with a lid, I impetuously removed it and ingest two pooris' by rolling them together.

Within four bites, I down the food and get myself a cup of water, gulping the tablets with the help of the liquid.

"Go and take rest, you're always roaming here and there," Mom chastises me out of love. "Gowthami needs me ma...I told you what happened yesterday, didn't I?" She sighs, heeding my words.

"I get it. But If you're not healthy yourself, how will you look after her!?" I give her a small smile. "I'll be okay. I feel already okay. The tablet is very effective," well, the effect hasn't started to influence my body yet...but I know the medication will aid me in getting rid of this pain pretty soon.

"Whatever you say...I'm worried about you," as she becomes emotional, I squat next to her.

"Look amma, the pain has begun to subside already. I'll be perfectly alright in no time...your son is strong," I bulge my biceps, showing her my strength and causing a small lovely smile to swim across her lips.

My chest warms at her smile.

"Okay ma, I'm going to refresh then," she nods her head.

After washing my body, I put on a gray button-up shirt and matching veshti. The ache in my head begins to deteriorate with time and eventually, I'd my breakfast with mom before I ride my bike back to Ayya's home.

There, I saw my Gowthami on the veranda, speaking with her dad. Once she notes my presence, she sends a smile my way.

I mirror back the action and advance towards the duo after I hop off the bike. "...Chanakya," Ayya acknowledges me and continues to speak, "I'm going to pay a visit to the hospital where Hari and Jagan are admitted," I jerk my head at him.

"How is your head?" He tries to peek at the backside of my head. "It's fine Ayya," as I respond positively, he slightly shakes his head and then wanders off, leaving the premises of the house in his jeep.

"Are you really okay?" I heed Gowthami's voice from behind me. "Yes," I affirm, swirling around to face her. "I don't trust you on this. When have you ever admitted being in pain?" She puts forth, sternly.

I scratch the back of my neck, trying to disregard her words.

"Chanakya," she presses, sounding strict.

"I want to take care of you too, as you do to me...but If you don't tell me your pain, how would I know it? Why don't you open up to me?" Her voice turns soft and she expectantly stares at my countenance, awaiting an answer.

"'s not that serious, Gowthami. It hurt in the morning and I'd medicines a while ago. Now I'm truly okay," she peeks into my eyes, troubled.

And that's why I don't want to reveal my sorrows to her. I don't like that look on her face...

"Seri, (okay) did you have breakfast?" I attempt to divert the topic and she merely nods before shuffling behind me. "What did the doctor say?" She qualms as her fingers delicately brush the surroundings of the bandage.

"The do-" I start but she chops my words off and expresses, "Only the truth," I heave a breath out at her behaviour.

"The doctor asked me to visit the hospital again If the pain doesn't go away within a week," Muttering that, I pull Gowthami to my front by catching onto her wrist.

"Ahhh...!" I quickly abandon her wrist, caught off guard by the painful reaction on her face.

Only then did I notice a bruise on her wrist. I frown at the sight of it. "How did this happen?" I hold her wrist in my hand, gently.

"He stomped on my wrist," I clench my jaw as rage surges within me.

"Leave it, do not talk about him," Gowthami shakes her head, seeming distressed.

To change her mood, I speak up, feigning a stringent tone, "Okay, now go and prepare for your exam," she frowns, thinking intently.

"...I don't think I can concentrate," I quirk my eyebrows at her. "And why do you say that? If any, I'm definite that studying will take your mind off irrelevant things," she bucks up at me with a tiny smile on her face.

"You think so?" I busily nod at her.

"Fine...I'll study then," I instinctively pat her shoulder but stop when her features shift into one of discomfort. "Methuva..." (Softly) Attending to her request, I, as mellowly as I could, tapped at her shoulder.

Subsequently, as Gowthami retires to her room, I drive my bike to handle and settle matters regarding our now now perished foe.


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