Fourty one

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The sun has gone down the horizon and I've been escorted to my in-law's house, which is my home from today onwards. My father wasn't very willing to let me live here but he didn't stop me either.

After coming to my new home, I lit up the lamp and completed a few other rituals, then I was decorated on account of our first night. The auspicious time is at 9.30 pm and so, until then, I'll have to stay away from Chanakya.

It is past 9 pm now and most of our relatives, and friends have vacated our home. Only very few numbers of them linger back, and they are chit-chatting on the veranda. Meanwhile, I'm seated alone in my mother-in-law's room, adorned with minimum jewels and a simple yet eye-catching sandal-shaded saree. My tresses have been let free and a long string of jasmine is attached to it.

"...Gowthami ma," heeding the kind voice of my mother-in-law, I perk up at her. She cautiously, with a hesitant smile, approaches me and sits beside me. "What happened athai? (Mother-in-law) Want to tell something to me?" She busily and naively nods her head.

" you like our home?" She asks eagerly. "I do, athai. I like it very much," the smile that danced on her lips at my response was such a genuine one. It had me mirror her expression. "I'm glad Gowthami ma. I was wondering whether you would feel comfortable living here given that you've grown up in a huge house..." She trails off while I just shake my head at her.

"I fell in love with this house the first time I saw it. Besides, If Chanakya is with me, I'll happily live anywhere," her face lits up upon listening to my reply.

" son must have done a great deed in his past life to have you as his wife," she says in a sentimental tone.

"He has done many great deeds in his current life athai. That's why I couldn't resist loving him," at my open words, athai becomes shocked and a slight blush appears on her countenance.

I chuckle at her reaction and watch as she slowly gets up from the bed. "I'll go then..." She moves out of the room but pops in again. "I'll be staying in one of my relatives home tonight..." She informs and swiftly disappears. Huh? I frown at what she said but as I speculate more keenly, I understand the reason...

To give us more privacy for tonight, she's leaving the house.

I could only shake my head at her behavior.

Minutes later, ladies rushed in with shy smiles and offered me a vessel filled with milk. Then they escorted me to my room where my Chanakya would be already waiting for me. Those ladies pushed me inside the room and shut the door.

"Gowthami...." Out of the blue, I feel Chanakya's hands around my waist and he spots a deep kiss on my cheeks before he shuffles to the door, probably to bolt it.

He's in a white veshti and a similar colored inner t-shirt, showcasing his drool-worthy biceps proudly.

Twirling around, he flashes a smile to me while I reciprocate the same and forward the milk to him. He drinks half of the contents and provides the other half to me.

Completing it, I place the vessel near the window slab and turn to Chanakya. "Shall we sleep?" I question teasingly. "Sure," he plays along and I casually saunter to the bed, "Turn the lights off, Chanakya," I utter as I place myself on the edge of the bed.

"As you say, Gowthami," as darkness dominates the space, the volume of the songs playing outside from the speaker turns high. I flush at the connotation behind it but impetuously conceal it and lay my head on the pillow.

The mattress dips when Chanakya lays beside me. Feeling fluffy inside, I tug my body towards him and rest my head on his chest. His hands cushioned my shoulders as I tightened my grip on his torso.

"Chanakya..." His fingers have now shifted my long hair from the back and have started drawing patterns over my bare skin. "Sollu," (Tell) I buck up at him and kissed his Adam's apple.

"Everything feels surreal Chanakya. You, our love, this moment, everything..." I jab my forehead with him as I speak whereas Chanakya clutches the back of my neck and flips our position. Hovering over me, he showers kisses all across my face except my lips...

"I feel the same way, Gowthami," and he smooches, sucks, and devours my lips within his mouth.

"There has never been a day where I hadn't fucked you in my head Gowthami. But now when you are here, right underneath me, all I truly want to do is embrace you and just sleep...why is that?" He brushes his nose with mine and buries his head in the crook of my neck.

Those words had me simultaneously crack a smile and become emotional. But I wanted to pull his leg...

"So we're not doing it today!? You don't lust me anymore!?" Chanakya aligns his face with mine and pecks at my lips. "I do, but not as much as I love you," he brushes his nose with mine and melts me with his sweet words and actions...

"Also Gowthami, to handle me, you should be very energetic. It's obvious on your face that you're extremely weary after the hectic day, so rest today, I'll take you when least expect it and I'll make sure to have you bed-ridden for at least a week," He whispers in my ear and I was flabbergasted by his utterances.

Bed-ridden for at least a week!?

Take me when I least expect it?

What is he planning?

And I'm indeed exhausted after the long day...I really need sleep now. I'm glad he noticed it and let me have my sweet slumber tonight.

"...thoongu," (sleep) he pecks a kiss on my forehead and as I shut my eyes, I feel Chanakya's head on my chest.

Patting his hair, I found myself slipping away into a deep state of sleep...


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