Transfiguration, Temptation, and Treat

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Summary: He had never imagined, ever, that he'd experience such a decadent offering.

Ships: SeverusSnapexHarryPotter

All credit goes to Jackswild on Ao3


He's deep inside the tight, excruciatingly hot and wet hole, his mind a flay of desire and lust.

How he'd ended up so lucky, after his life of sins, was something he couldn't begin to ascertain.

...Potter, bent over his desk...

...Potter, with a transfigured cunt just behind his heavy cock and balls...

...Potter, looking at him with all the lust of a teen with suddenly too much time on their hands...

...Potter, who smelt a bit like iron and wood wax and sweat...

He'd never been more rock hard in his 41 years. His entire length was pounding into the incredibly slick entrance, his upper thighs of his slacks were soaked through, and there were spots of wet slick that were clinging messily to the tails of his black button up.

', Ssssnape..." the boy said brokenly on each thrust, puffs of air forcebly escaping his throat making it difficult to speak whole words.

Severus was enraptured.

"Is this what you imagined," he asked, a practiced snarl on his lips as he looked at the debauched boy bent under him. "When you did the spell on your own body, Potter?" he rammed further, and at the same time pushed in one of his thumbs into the tight furrowed puckered arsehole that was just waiting to be abused. "To be fucked by your most hated Professor?"

He all but preened at the way the boy let out, "yessss..." with another broken sigh.

"Would any Professor have done?" he asked, letting his words be laced with venom. "Would you have bent over for Filius? He's small to be sure, but a man nonetheless..." the thought made him feral, "Would you have lifted your robe for anyone with a cock?" his hands were leaving bruises, as he gripped the fleshy arse that was bouncing so goddamned prettily against him on each thrust.


"Hmmm..." he replied, and didn't care to believe the boy. His thumbs were pulling in opposite directions, stretching out the tight pink pucker, while his cock was ramming into the deepest parts of the cunt just below it. He was utterly captivated. He ground out the spell to clean the boys arse, and smirked at the shriek that filled the room. Shuddering at the thought that quite literally anyone could be able to hear them.

The Boy Hero hadn't even taken the barest of precautions, and had waltzed into the Potions class during what was typically detention time. Though Severus couldn't be bothered to think about if he'd actually scheduled any detentions that evening, not with two fingers sliding into Potters arse, one thumb still rubbing the edge of the pink furrowed hole, and his cock continuing to ram into the gushy, hot and wet heat just below.

"Pro..Professssssorrrr..." came the obscenely slutty response from the infuriating boy, and he snarled.

He stopped any pretense of holding back, pulled out of Potters pretty cunt, pulled his fingers out of that tight arsehole, and while allowing smiling lecherously at the cry that escaped Potters lips at the sudden emptiness, he rammed his entire length into the still too tight arse.

Savoring the high pitched scream that left Potters mouth, and the way the boys cunt gushed with copious amounts of cum against his already drenched trousers.

"Don't even... act innocent, boy," he said, leaning forward to take a beat, allowing them both just the barest hint at an adjustment period, licking the trail of sweat that started at Potters hair, and down the nape of his neck. "This is what you all but demanded of me. And by God, you will get what you so prettily begged for."

This was bliss. He was certain. There were small streaks of red that trailed along the veins on his cock, areas where he hadn't stretched the boy enough, leaving tiny tears, the blood sending sparks of something sinful inside him.

He let out a litany of words, "beautiful, whore, boy, boy, bastard, gorgeoussss..." as he chased after his own crescendo, his own climax; reaching it just moments after Potter came a second time. Come coating not only his thighs from that juicy wet cunt, but also his table as Potter shot his release out all over the desk top. A few dozen essays now with a streak of the Golden Heroes jizz across them.

He saw stars, had epiphanies, and felt like a new man, as he rammed his thick hot load into Potters arse, coating his inner channel, and pounding it as deep as he possibly could, over and over until his legs gave out, and his chest felt tight with lack of breathing, and he pulled out and fell back on to his chair.

The groan escaping his lips as it brought his vision directly into the dripping holes he'd just abused rather thoroughly.

His own cum dripping from Potters arse, falling in thick globs around the juicy wet cunt that was dripping Potters release, trailing down the hairy balls and making a waterfall of mess down the boys softening cock that had its own trail of sticky release connecting the head to a trail of jizz on the edge of the desk.

Severus's own cock twitched and he leaned forward taking the flat of his own tongue and dragging it down from the boys arsehole, across the cunt, and balls, and finally pulling the boys cock back between his legs, and took the softened penis into his mouth. His eyes closed as he memorized the taste of all three.

He released the cock from his mouth with a filthy wet smack, and dragged his own hand along his own still heavy, thick cock... "If you don't want me to make use of every slutty, fucking hole you have again tonight, Potter," he warned, "Then you had better clean yourself up swiftly and leave."

His hand was holding his cock with an excruciating grasp, trying to temper the lust that was pooling in his groin.

The boy didn't move to leave, but Severus caught Potter looking back over his shoulder, as the boy widened his stance, put his own hand on his small softened cock, and smirked.

"You had your chance." Severus replied, before he took both of his hands and pulled each cheek apart, and dove in ready to feast on the most decadent of meals he'd ever been offered.

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