The Fantasy of Honesty

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Summary: The biggest risk, is the one when you are on display, and the hearts desire has no choice but to hear you.

Ships: SeverusSnapexHarryPotter

All credit goes to JacksWild on Ao3


It's the slide against the skin that he thinks unsettles him, leaves him panting, mouth hanging open, jaw heavy. His fingers digging trails of torn fabric from under his nails, the guttural sound that is ripped from him leaves his throat raw, instantly broken and shattered breathing is all that follows.

The tongue, he imagines it's akin to the feeling of entropy, the inferno that was rippling up and through his body. He was entirely sure that he could create lightning from the very particles in the air, that if he only could concentrate, he'd solve every problem in all of the world – the feeling was magic incarnate.

"Good boy," came the deafening rumble of gravel and chocolate.

Harry shoved his face into the pillow, his cheeks aflame, so warm.

"Now, we can't have that. you." The potions master growled, with whisper soft flicks of his tongue, nowhere near close enough to the exquisite torture that he had been enduring and yet much, much worse for its lacking.

His turned his face, and let out the keen that had been welling up in his chest, as he naturally widened his stance. Pushing is left knee further out, so that he was spread even more open for exploration.

"You are a delight, aren't you?" came the response, and Harry could light fire to the sun.

"You are so wet... how sweetly you drip for me." Snape continued, and Harry could all but come from the voice, the choice of words, the trail of lust that he felt starting at the base of his spine and stopping somewhere in his neck.

"Yessss..." he replied, unable to string any more words together.

"I have waited patiently Potter. You strutting around this school. The effervescent Golden Boy, back to be a Mediwizard, how charming." A sound all but fell out of him when Snape scooped forward, leaning his neck, chest, abdomen, and cock against his back; somewhere between begging and pleading.

"How desperate you have made me with that tantalizing scent you have, Healer Potter."

If he had any further a presence of mind, he would've felt the typical shame at the wet slick that was making waves down his thighs. Had he had the ability to be anything other than obscenely, wantonly, wanting.

"Pleassssee..." he said, the word ending on a sigh when Snape dragged his hand up to wrap around his jaw, pulling him backward and up. The kiss was explosive, and swallowed his scream as Snape entered him in one complete and clean move.

He'd been split in two, between one moment and the next, a strangled plea scrambled up from his chest into the lips of the man who was devouring his tongue. He was met with a groan ending on a growl.

It was the sexiest thing he'd ever experienced.

He pushed down further on the cock that was spearing him open, wanting to be as close as possible, he needed to be one with the man that was fucking the life back into him.

Harry couldn't help the shocked giggle when he was forcefully pushed back onto the bed, a slap coming down on his arse, as the other hand held his neck in place against the sheets.

"I am going to ruin you," Snape uttered, and Harry came. The world fading to white, the edges so sharp he could bleed pinkly into it.

He came to, the long slide of a massive cock into and out of him in a grueling and consistent pace, sent him into oblivion. "Ssssseevverusss..." he let out, needing the man to fill him, reverting to his most basic instincts. "Fill meee..." he completed the thought, biting into his lip, letting the high pitched wail leave him.

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