The Good Boy

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Summary: Severus finds a way to thank the boy hero.

Ships: SeverusSnapexHarryPotter

All credit goes to Jackswild on Ao3


The boy really had been driving him spare for the last several weeks. He had watched him parade throughout the Wizengamot with all the power of a wizard decades older, and it was doing something to Severus.

After his uproarious witness testimony on Severus' behalf, Severus had truly had enough. He contemplated what he wanted to do, how he was going to say whatever he needed to, in order to thank the boy; but he was walked back to his cage, the shackles removed - while he waited for the barrister to complete the paperwork to release him.

His wand was shoved under the metal bars, some indescribable time later and he was set free. His papers showing that he was instead potentially up for honors. will wonders never cease...

He relished the feeling of camera lights flashing, taking pride for the first time in his life, in the fact that maybe just maybe the truth had set him free. That he'd truly lived a life of repentance for the crimes he'd committed as a child. With the actions of the war coming to light, it appeared that people were for some absolutely asinine reason, grasping nuance. His eyes caught the spectacles of the boy wonder across the hall, and he nodded.

While he had some truly pressing urges to thank the boy properly, he rather understood that the foyer of the Ministry wasn't the right place to do so.

"Severus," he turned his head to look down at Potter. His barrister was handing him an entire binder of paperwork, and advising him his rights, his property, and his money that he would have access to within a fort-night, as soon as the legal proceedings were complete on the back end. He sighed, and supposed he might try to stay at a hotel in the mean time. Or perhaps Hogwarts. "You could stay with me?" he heard from the boy standing next to him. Who had apparently never moved from his side, while the legalities of his freedom had been discussed.

"I rather believe that wouldn't be a wise decision, with our history, Mr. Potter."

"History is just that, it's the past. We can always choose to make a better future." there was a pause, and he watched as Potter smirked, "Or at least maybe an interesting one."

Thoughts surfaced in the back of Severus' mind, of an interesting future indeed, but he doubted that Potter was engaging in the same thoughts.

"By all means, it isn't as though I have many other options at this point."

He followed the boy wizard to the floos and waiting and side-alonged through the floo to a living room he barely recognized.

"I connected the floo in the attic of Grimmauld Place, so that we didn't have to interact with Walburta every time I entered the home."

"I suppose I owe you a debt of thanks." Severus replied, he was at a loss for what he was doing here. While the shock of the days proceedings landed on his shoulders with both a weightlessness and a whole new overwhelming urge to flee.

"No, no debt at all." he watched Potter fidget slightly before walking to the office doors. "Here, let me set up a room for you and then we can sort out what the next couple days will be."

It was an awkward several hours, to be sure; with the room that Potter had originally chosen having been Regulus' which had nearly sent Severus into apoplectic shock. After showering, and being informed that his room had been changed to one in the guest wing, he found several articles of clothing waiting for him that all seemed to fit him perfectly. Black cashmere sweater, long linen black slacks, and dark green woolen socks, were more than likely the nicest things he'd worn in half his life - and he found that it was something else entirely to be wearing the clothing purchased for him, by the boy wonder.

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