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Summary: One of Lily Potters last requests was for Harry to be bonded to Severus Snape for his safety. She saw in her childhood friend something no one else could see, that Harry and Severus were meant for each other. It isnt until his 16th birthday with the war looming ever closer, that Harry finds out exactly what his Mother was prepared to do to keep her only son safe and alive.

Ships: SeverusSnapexHarryPotter and NarcissaMalfoyBlack/KinglsleyShacklebolt

All credit goes to Slytherinroses on Ao3


"Ég get ekki þakkað þér nóg fyrir alla hjálpina Harry" a tall, bearded man said with a wide smile.

"It was my pleasure Àrni" Harry smiled, proud that he understood what the other man was saying. "Just glad everything turned out all right" At his confused look, Harry began to work out a reply in his head when they were interrupted.

"You must speak English, Arni" a rotund man admonished light heartedly "Harry spends enough time speaking our language, only fair we should speak his on occasion."

Harry chuckled "I don't mind Bjorn; I'll take all the practice I can get."

It was after the final battle and Harry had been at a loss as to what to do with his life. Having fulfilled his destiny to the magical world, the hero felt he no longer had a real purpose in life. A book he found in the library of Grimmauld place, piqued Harry's interest. With encouragement and support, Harry began a course in international translation.

Kingsley offered Harry an opportunity to work at the international relations department at the Ministry of Magic, working with a seasoned translator that would assist Harry in his studies and give him some practical experience along the way. The job had opened a universe of new opportunities, it gave Harry the chance to travel, meet new people and find himself. He hadn't done it alone, there had been ample support behind him and for that he would be forever thankful.

He worked closely with various magical law enforcement agencies, government organisations, and once he had translated for a Russian Prince. A lot of the time he remained in England and translated for international visitors that came into the country, which he enjoyed and oftentimes preferred, but travelling always gave him a thrill of excitement.

This trip had been intriguing, a Norwegian man had been visiting the wizarding quarter of Reykjavík when he was mistaken for the assistant of an Icelandic diplomat who was suspected of smuggling antiquities from Russia. The mistake had been one of a language difference.

The dialect in Norway and Iceland was similar and an overzealous Auror had been a little too brash in arresting the gentleman and taking him to the ministry. Harry had been called into translate, Norwegian was a language he felt competent in, so had accepted the job.

Unfortunately, it was to be a flying visit as Harry had an engagement back in England that he needed to be at that evening. After the interview had concluded, Harry was taking a port key back to the Ministry and going straight to the event. It was a shame, he wanted to see more of Iceland, another time he could bring someone with him.

"You have your event tonight?" Bjorn asked.

"Yes, you are letting everyone know about your Sev? Arni inquired, trying his best to pronounce the words correctly.

"In a fashion" Harry smiled widely "he will be attending the event and people will notice we are together."

"This makes you happy. Arni asked.

"I've long stopped caring what people think Arni, I'm proud to be married to Severus and that's all that matters in the end" Harry told him.

"That is nice" the man smiled "I look forward to meeting your medicine man one day.

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