| Please PT. 2

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Summary: Things get Spicier

Ships and writer are the same as the previous chapter


This time when the door swung open at Harry's arrival he wasn't surprised. He was quite pleased, actually, that Snape hadn't forgotten about his extra detention and so he ambled casually into the ever dark classroom. However as he looked around Snape was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a door materialized on the far wall, and out stepped Snape. Holy fuck. He had never seen this much of the mysterious man in all 7 years of his schooling. Still dressed in all black, Snape seemed to have forgone his outer layers, revealing strong looking exposed forearms from his rolled up black shirt sleeves. God Harry could've stared at those hands for hours but Snape's patience had run out.

"Mister Potter, if you wish to stand there gaping like a fool all night, do so, otherwise hurry up and move" Snape drawled with an audible smirk before stepping back to allow Harry through the door.

Blushing, Harry quickly stepped through the door. As he took in the new space his eyes widened in shock. "My quarters, as you may have gathered. Come," and without further ado strode into the sitting room. Harry blinked What have I gotten myself into. Is this Snape being nice? then followed Snape into the room.

Snape, to little shock, had only one chair, which he was already occupying. So, Harry shrugged and sank down to the floor, leaning up against the coffee table and glancing up at the man. After a moment, when it became apparent Snape had no designs to speak, Harry decided to break the silence.

"So, I was on time today."

"Yes, you have indeed achieved the bare minimum."

Harry rolled his eyes before continuing with a charming grin, "I think... I deserve a reward."

At that Snape quirked a smile, "Oh? And just what kind of reward do you believe you deserve?"

"A kiss?" Harry suggested, suddenly shy. He looked down at his lap, cheeks flushing hot, but gasped in surprise when a large hand fisted his hair and tilted his head upwards.

Hot lips met his own, Snape quickly dominating his mouth as Harry let himself be ravaged. He whimpered pitifully when Snape pulled back but Snape picked him up like a doll before striding into another room and throwing him onto the bed.

Harry gasped and Snape took the opportunity to kiss him roughly once again. His hands made their way upwards trying to undo Snape's shirt buttons but Snape quickly batted them away. "No touching, Mr. Potter"

"Yes sir, please, call me Harry" he pleaded breathlessly.

"Harry then, stay" said Snape, and so he obeyed, watching from the mattress as Snape went to retrieve his wand. Then he was back and saying "Incarcerous" causing thin black ropes to shoot out from his wand, wrapping around Harry's wrists and securing them to the headboard. Then he flipped Harry onto his stomach as more ropes wrapped intricately around his hips lifting his arse into the air.

Harry moaned, wiggling in his tight binds, waiting for Snape to finally touch him. There was movement behind him and suddenly he felt his wet tongue licking over his hole. "Nghh, oh!" Harry buried his face into the pillow and tried to push his arse further back, chasing Snape's tongue. "Ah ah ah, such a greedy boy. Are you ready for my finger then?"

"Yes yes yes" Harry panted.

"Ask nicely," said Snape, hands trailing teasingly over his arse.

"Oh please sir, please put your fingers in my arse, I want you so bad, wanna feel you stretching me, oh please!"

"What a good boy" cooed Snape before his hands retreated and Harry suddenly felt a wetness slicking up his hole. Then Snape pushed in his first long finger and Harry arched his back with a whine. After seemingly an eternity, he added another and when he crooked his fingers at his prostate Harry almost came on the spot.

But Snape was too observant, "Don't cum until I give you permission."

"Mhhh yes sir, I'll be good for you sir!"

Satisfied Snape added a third finger, stretching Harry open and leaning down to lick and bite all over his skin.

"Sir, oh please fuck me sir, I want your big cock in me, please, I'm ready. I need it."

"How could I refuse when you beg so pretty?"

At last Harry felt the tip of Snape's cock breaching his wet tight heat. Snape moaned and pushed in slowly, torturously slow. "C'mon sir, fuck me hard, I can take it"

Snape let out a low growl before grabbing his hips with a bruising grip and slamming into him fully. Harry couldn't be responsible for anything he said as Snape continued to fuck into him with abandon.

"What a good fucking slut, perfect tight hole for me to fuck."

Harry moaned even louder, "Ungh, oh yes sir, use me, fuck!"

Snape's hand reached forward to grab Harry's aching cock and stroke roughly. "Come on then, cum for me Harry, cum on my cock." Harry came, hard, tremors rolling through his body as the bliss overtook him. Then he slumped, sated, as Snape continued to thrust and then was coming inside of him with a low moan.

Distantly Harry felt Snape pull out and then he was collapsing onto the bed as the ropes released him. He felt Snape cleaned the cum off of him as his heavy eyelids shut and he drifted into sleep.

Severus stared fondly at the fucked out boy laying sprawled across his bed. Consequences be damned, he shut off the lights and tucked them both under the blankets.

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