Absolutely Filthy

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Summary: Severus was absolutely, unequivocally, due this moment...

Ships: SeverusSnapexHarryPotter

All credit goes to Jackswild on Ao3


He looked at the soft, red, slightly bruised flesh resting in his hands. Both palms cupped with round cheeks; an arse he'd only just recently found himself fantasizing about. Severus' mouth watered; his cock hanging thick, heavy, filling, long and ready to finally be sheathed in Potters arse.

He took one hand and wrapped it around the girth of his prick, laying the length of it along Potters crack, letting the man feel it. Get accustomed to his length, his girth, let him feel the gurgle of fear as it raced up his spine... the idea of being utterly raped with the biggest cock he'd certainly ever taken. Severus would never admit to it, but he'd fantasized about the feeling of ramming his cock repeatedly and masterfully into Potter, every day for two years, and now that he was about to – his heart was racing beatifically.

A gush of precum fell from the tip of his prick, as he uttered the spell to lubricate his fingers. The feeling of lubricant surrounding his heated flesh, making him close his eyes with a rush of lust. Pointing two fingers out, he pushed them into the fluttering hole that was all but begging to be abused. The sound of a high keening whine, coming from Potter below him, drove him nearly feral.

"You sound like a bit of a slut, Mr. Potter." He said, his voice coated in a thick layer of desire and wonder.

"Fuck Severus... I've been dreaming of this for yea--- nghhhhh."

His fingers stretching the hole over and over, he recognized when he'd ran them along the sensitive nub just a few centimeters in, when Potter lost the ability to speak. Severus felt the smirk ride up his face, "Ahhh, there's a good boy."

He took his other hand and wrapped it around Potters cock, beneath the man's body below him. Severus' cock still moving back and forth with his body, as he continued to finger fuck the delicious creature beneath him.

"I'm going to destroy you, and you are going to scream for it." He said, letting the low hum of need fill the room with his lust. "Come for me Potter." He commanded, and closed his eyes with immense pleasure as Potter moaned lecherously and did as instructed. His arse clenching tightly around Severus' fingers, as he pushed two more digits in and brushed the man's prostate repeatedly and quickly.

Severus watched in rapture as the hole loosened for him, no longer clenching tightly as the man below him moaned and groaned his way through what clearly was an amazing orgasm. He pulled his fingers out, and lined up the head of his cock to the loosened hole, closing his eyes one more time against the assault of the beauty of it.

His meaty 11 inch cock laying thickly against the slick, wet, loose hole; his heart kicked up and he rammed half his length in in one go. The scream of Potter below him stopping him for a mere moment before the nod of the man beneath him, allowed him to pull slightly back and take a beat, before pushing his entire length in.

Severus' eyes devoured the moment with enraptured awareness. His cock pulling the hole wide, the lines around the anus, stretching thin and white, the lubricant making the slide easier but not painless. He watched in the mirror before him as Potters eyes rolled back, closed, and his mouth hung open in divine pleasure.

He looked back down, and wrapped his hand around his cock, taking a beat to see how his fingers couldn't even close around his girth, but the man's hole just beneath him took it so beautifully. "One chance to turn back now, Mr. Potter." He growled. Ever the gentleman.

"Fuck..." gasp "me."

"My pleasure," he replied and pulled all the way out before letting himself feel the full weight of what he was about to do. "Whore."

Ramming his cock in Potters gaping arsehole was like seeing the gates of heaven and rushing them to find glory. This is what he'd gone through hell and back for. This moment of bliss as he raped the mans' hole repeatedly. For that is what he was doing. He'd already given Potter a delicious orgasm; but this was for Severus'. He threw his head back, grabbed the mans arse cheeks tightly before slapping one viciously; and continued to pound into the body below him.

Feeling the slick, wet, heat of Potters arse; as he pushed repeatedly through sphincter after sphincter; his cock certainly deep enough to be able to fill the man up to bursting with his cum. The thought of his cum filling the man, so full he could see it drop the man's taut stomach muscles distend, just about sends Severus into a primal frenzy.

There is a moment from the one to the next when Severus' feels himself succumbing to the white hot feeling of orgasm, as it washes over him; he shoves forward once more; pushing Potters face into the mattress, the man's screams silenced by the cotton as Severus' cock and his knot push in and he comes with his own scream.

He's never come so hard in all of his years; gush after gush of ejaculate spill from his thick cock. Severus drifts into a world where he dreams he never stops. He wants Potter to have his babies. To be pregnant forever. To be full of his seed until all he is, is Severus' breedmare. He feels his cock spill repeatedly; as if Severus were going to shoot every child into the man all at once.

"You are mine now. This hole is ruined for anyone but me, my whore of a savior." He uttered, leaning forward, feeling a new and different sensation as he continued to come with his mouth along the length of Potters neck.

"You feel how well you take my cum?" Severus asks, licking a stripe along the man's throat, tasting the salt of sweat and tears.

"Yesssss...." Potter utters, the barest hint of the mans Parseltongue slipping out.

"You are going to be full of my children. I'm due this. Spent my life protecting you; now you are mine baby."

"N'yesssss, oh Merlin yesss..."

He felt when Potter slipped into unconsciousness; and held the man close as he waited for his cock to soften enough to pull out. He laid the man down on his side, and spent long minutes cleaning, healing, and massaging the man who had taken him so beautifully. He slid a small plug in and whispered a spell, the toy enlarging just enough to block his seed from spilling out entirely.

He takes in the view for just a moment longer than necessary. The supple arse, the firm thighs, the tanned hairy skin, the distended abdominal muscles, the pectorals; the messy black hair... this man was full of his seed. As far as mates went, he couldn't say that he had complaints. It had taken nearly 5 decades to get to this moment, but he rather appreciated that his life had led to this gift as a boon for all its previous weight and needs.

Potter was certainly a good reward indeed.

Severus slid down and wrapped his body around the man sleeping soundly. His cock sleeved between the man's thighs, as his arm wrapped firmly around the man's waist. They'd take a nap, but he was already fantasizing about raping that hole over and over again before morning.

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