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Summary: Ginny tries her hand at spying and sees more than she bargained for.

Ships: SeverusSnapexHarryPotter

All credit goes to Slytherinroses on Ao3


"Stop teasing me Sev" Harry whined, rocking his hips back against the slender fingers currently buried in his arse. "Please I need you in me."

"Patience imp" Severus smirked, giving the pert arse a light smack, delighting in the yelp it elicited from Harry "all good things come to Professors who wait."

"Fuck me now Snape!" Harry demanded, after Severus had repeatedly hit his sweet spot repeatedly, making him see stars.

Growling low in his throat, Severus flipped his lover over, eliciting a squeak of surprise from Harry, and thrust into him in one fell swoop "Is this what you wanted brat, to be fucked hard and fast? To feel my thick cock deep inside you, pounding your pretty hole? You're a picture my love, looking so debauched and needy."

"Yes" Harry hissed slipping into parseltongue as was often the case when they were making love "harder Sev, harder."

Grabbing Harry's hips with bruising force, the headmaster pounded into the man beneath like someone possessed.

Harry grabbed his prick and fisted it, swiping the head and using the pre come as lube.

Severus batted Harry's hand away from his dick, smirking at the groan of protest. "I have a better idea my imp" wordlessly casting a charm of his own making, Severus watched the play of emotions on his lovers face as the spell took effect. It was a pleasure enhancing spell, designed to make the receiver feel as though they had hundreds of tiny little vibrators moving over their bodies or in the case Harry's cock.

"Oh god" Harry writhed, feeling every nerve ending in his body sing, fingers digging into the rug on the floor "fuck, so good."

"Like that my Harry?"

"Sweet Merlin yes, so close, not going to last much longer."

"Let go darling, cum baby, give in to the feelings" Severus crooned.

"Fuck, fuck, yes, yes, yes!!! Harry shouted, his back arching off the floor, ropes of cum spurting from his cock covering his belly.

"So, fucking hot, watching you come undone, cum covering your sweaty body" Severus breathed, feeling his release edging closer. The headmaster came with a shout, emptying himself deep into Harry's channel. Panting for breath, he cast a wandless cleaning charm over Harry, his spent penis slipping from his lovers hole.

"That was amazing" Harry exclaimed breathlessly, a sated look in his eyes.

"I quite agree" Severus said smiling, helping Harry up off the floor and summoning towels to wrap around their waists. "I hope you enjoyed the show Miss Weasley" he added casting his gaze to a spot near the sitting room door.

Harry raised his wand and cast a spell, revealing an irate Ginny Weasley, shooting a thunderous glare at the pair. She had been spying on Harry for weeks, ever since the Governors had seen fit to hire her as the new flying instructor, Severus had fought the decision but to no avail.

Obsessed with making Harry hers, refusing to believe him when Harry told her he wasn't interested, was gay and in a relationship with someone. The ghosts had informed the headmaster she was following Harry to his office in the hopes of finding out who he was seeing and destroying them. The pair decided to do something she would never forget. Neither man was shy about their bodies nor expressing the love they felt for each other.

Hands clenched at her sides, Ginny stamped her foot "I can't believe you're with him, we are meant to be together Harry, it should be me you're making love to."

"You're delusional as well as pathetic" Harry said sarcastically.

"I'm going to tell everyone you're with that Death Eater Scum" Ginny threatened.

"Go for it" Harry shot back.

"Moppy" Severus called.

"Master Severus called?" a house elf wearing a floral tea towel asked, appearing beside the headmaster.

"Moppy would you please escort Miss Weasley here to her quarters, see her belongings are packed, then escort her from the grounds" Severus requested evenly.

"Yes Master, Moppy will be happy to be escorting her from Hogwarts, Moppy thinks she be causing Master Severus and Mister Harry too much trouble. Master needs to be talking to the ghosts, they will tell master what trouble she be."

"Thank you Moppy, I will do that" Severus told the elf "Just in case you haven't figured it out Miss Weasley your fired."

"You can't fire me Snape!" Ginny raged.

"I believe I just did" Severus quipped, taking Harry's hand "if you'll excuse us my lover and I require a shower.

As Moppy was preparing to remove Ginny from the headmasters rooms he added "do let us know if you'd like an encore to today's viewing, I'm sure we could organise something."

Ginny screamed in anger, shouting for Harry to do something as Moppy vanished from the room.

When Harry and Severus entered the great hall that night for dinner, it was to see Ginny's place at the head table vacant and a smile on everyone's faces. The ghosts it turned out had been quite informative as to the pesky redheads antics, giving him more than enough back up his firing her.

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