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Summary: Harry knows somehow, that this detention won't be like before.

Ships: SeverusSnapexHarryPotter

All credit goes to Moonshine_Ivy on Ao3


As Harry approached the all too familiar door, he felt his heartbeat speeding up. He jumped slightly as the door swung open before steeling himself. Get it together, it's just detention, you've done it before. He thought to himself before walking in.

"Mister Potter, you are late," said a deep voice from the back of the dark classroom. "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again," he tried, stepping up to the potion masters large desk at the front of the room. "Oh I doubt it, after all, our savior is above such silly things like rules and respect" came Snape's mocking voice.

Harry couldn't see much with Snape's back still turned in the shadowed room, but he was grateful for the darkness when he felt his cheeks flush hot as he whined "No, sir!"

"Don't lie to me, Potter. Tell me, do you need another week of detention before you'll learn your lesson?" Why does he make everything so hard. "No please, let me make it up to you!"

At that Snape paused. Harry swallowed nervously, looking down at his feet before back up again at his professors back. When the silence began to feel oppressive and Harry started to regret ever even trying, Snape finally moved. Turning around at last, with a sneer gracing his face, "Oh really. And just what do you think I'd want from you, Mister Potter?"

"Anything." Snape's expression flickered with quick surprise before he quirked his eyebrow menacingly and repeated "Anything?"

He took a slow step towards him and Harry found himself stepping back. He continued to approach and Harry didn't know anything but the pounding in his ears. Suddenly his back hit the wall and Snape was as close to him as he'd ever been. "Careful what you wish for, Mister Potter" he said, silky black hair falling forward as he leaned in to whisper in his ear.

Oh god. When had the room become so hot, and Snape was close, so so close. But then abruptly Snape stepped back and stalked back to behind his desk, composed as ever. Harry still felt frozen against the wall but when black eyes shifted to him, he stubbornly forced himself up. He hoped for the sake of his continuing life that he hadn't misinterpreted. Summoning every ounce of courage, and with shaky steps, he made his way up towards Snape before sinking down to his knees, hands clasped behind his back.

"Is that what you want, Mister Potter, hmmm... Beg."

Harry hadn't known it was possible to be this hard. Why hadn't he noticed before just how sinful that deep voice was, how it went straight through his core and into his aching cock. He looked up at him then through his eyelashes, "Please sir, let me be good for you. Let me suck your cock, sir, I want to so bad."

"What a good boy you are, finally down on your knees where you belong." Then Harry heard the clink of a belt buckle and the sound of a zipper. At that Harry couldn't wait any longer. He took in the thick beautiful cock in front of him, just for a second, before opening his mouth and taking the tip between his lips. He licked slowly up the hot length, then eventually began to bob his head and swirl his tongue experimentally. Suddenly there was a rough hand in his hair, pushing him down onto his cock. He choked a little as it hit the back of his throat and moaned. "Oh you like that do you, gagging on my big cock like a little whore." He moaned once again before pulling back with a wet sound.

Spit drooling from his mouth, he looked straight into Snape eyes and said roughly, "Yes sir, use me sir, harder." He grabbed Snape's hand, placing it back in his hair, before swallowing down his cock once again. Snape growled, but this time didn't hold back, fisting his hair roughly before beginning to fuck his face at a brutal pace.

Harry could do nothing but take it, as Snape held his head down in his cock while his hips thrusted forward even faster. "That's right, take it like a good little slut. Do you want my cum? I'm gonna fill you up." Harry whimpered around his cock, beginning to feel lightheaded and still desperately needing friction in his own cock. Then Snape groaned lowly as he shot his hot cum straight down Harry's throat.

Harry pulled back swallowing every drop then licking his lips with a grin. "Thank you sir" he said before getting up shakily and standing awkwardly before him. "Dismissed, Mister Potter, and tomorrow... don't be late" said Snape's husky voice, shocking Harry into action. He grabbed his stuff and made for the door before turning back to say "Yes sir" before leaving with a wink.

As the door shut behind him, Severus sat shocked but pleased. Yes, this Harry Potter, this he could work with.

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