Billy's Death

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No One's POV:

Billy has been freed from the Mind Flayer's hold on him. Before, he was about to kill Eleven when she reminded him of happy memories that he used to have a long time ago. Once he was freed, he turned to the Spider Monster that was standing in front of him.

About this time, Mike and Max had come from the back of Scoops Ahoy when they stumbled upon the other two. When they did, they immediately stopped. The monster was about to attack, but once it shot out its tongue, Billy immediately blocked it from killing him or Eleven.

He held on as long as he could, but the monster shot a tendril into his side. He screams in pain, and the monster shoots another tendril into his other side, which makes him let go. More tendrils shoot out and stick in Billy's sides and his back. All everyone else could do was watch in horror.

Then, the monster shot out it's tongue again, and it shot right into Billy's chest. Max was horrified by this.

Max: "BILLY!!"

The monster releases Billy from its grip, and Billy falls to the ground. Around this time, Joyce had managed to close the gate by turning off the giant key that was keeping it open. However, this would sacrifice Hopper, who gave her the signal to close the gate, knowing what would happen.

The key explodes. Back on the surface, the giant monster stumbles back while shrieking and then, it falls to the floor. Everyone was watching in disbelief. The giant monster lied there, still as a stone.

Max, still in a state a shock, slowly approached Billy, who was still lying down the floor, covered in blood. Max wanted Billy to get up, but all Billy could do was struggle out his last words, which surprisingly were "I'm sorry." He takes his last breath.

Max continued pleading with Billy to wake up, but when she finally comes to terms that he's dead, she's immediately saddened. Eleven notices and was able to catch her girlfriend when she slowly fell into her, letting all of her tears out. Eleven softly repeated the words "It's okay" to Max, while shedding a tear herself.

She had never seen her own girlfriend in this type of condition before. Max was always so strong and tough around everyone, but this time, everything was just too much for her. Everyone gathered around the two and joined in the hug as well.

The Next Day

Max and Eleven had decided to take some time off from being around everyone else. Max felt really guilty for letting her own step brother get killed by that monster, and Eleven was really sad that Hopper was also killed.

The couple had decided to spend their time together near Lovers' Lake (this location being known before Season 4), just sitting near the water on a blanket and trying to find peace. It was hard to do while the memories from that Fourth of July still hung around.

Eleven had wanted to be strong for her girlfriend ever since that day, but it was starting to become overwhelming for her, and at one point, while they were staring at the water, Max happened to hear a few sobs coming from Eleven. She was immediately worried and wrapped an arm around her.

Eleven buried her face into Max's chest while still crying. Max wrapped her other arm around her girlfriend and rested her chin on top of her head. Max was really sad to see Eleven breaking down this time, and Max didn't really know what to say. All she could do was silently hold Eleven in her arms.  

Eleven had cried herself to sleep while still holding on to Max, who noticed and carefully pulled away from her. She gently wiped away a tear that was still resting on her girlfriend's face, and she set her down on the blanket. Max lied down next to Eleven, and she couldn't help but stare at her peaceful state while she was asleep.

Max ended up drifting off to sleep as well, and she ended up dreaming about her and her girlfriend having an amazing time together, in a state far away from all of their troubles.

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