Karaoke Night

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Hwang Hyunjin X Reader


Plot: Karaoke Night with drunk Stray Kids is always classic, but something interesting happens to one of the members.

First Person

Laughing and clapping at every beat that was made through the microphone. Every vibration bounced through the room via the speakers.

I sat between Chan and Minho, watching Felix and Changbin sing along to As If It's Your Last by BLACKPINK. They did it ever so flawlessly without missing a single lyric.

Today was their day off, and they decided to meet up for karaoke night at their dorm. I was invited, as well as a few other friends of theirs.

"Are you going to get up and sing?" Chan leaned across and spoke into my ear.

I shook my head, laughing, grabbing my diet Coke and bringing it up to my lips.

"Oh no, I am not a good singer, but I get timid."

"Well, why don't you get Hyunjin to sing with you?"

I looked over at Chan, and he smirked at me as his tongue poked out of his mouth. Ever since I got close to Jinnie, I developed a slight crush on him, and it seems that Chan has noticed.

"Oh, no, no, no."

"Oh, yes, yes, yes. Hey, Hyunjin!"

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets, seeing him walk over with a beer in his hand. He was a lightweight whenever he drank, and it's funny.

Whenever the boys get drunk, they always spit out the truth, which is why I never drink alcohol, as I didn't want people to know how I really felt about him or spill something embarrassing.

"Yes, Channie hyung?" Hyunjin slightly wobbles a bit, quickly stopping himself, trying to be and act like nothing happened.

"Why don't you and Y/n sing a song?" Chan suggests nudging my side.

"Okay. Let me pick a song. See you there." He winked at me before hurrying away.

Did he wink at me?

I felt myself mentally beat myself up. I felt two hands placed on my shoulders, giving them a massage.

I looked behind me to see Felix behind me. He and Changbin must have finished as Seungmin and Jeongin were now on the dance floor doing the Macarena.

"Deep breathe in, and you will be fine. He likes you, Y/n, so there is nothing to worry about." Felix's deep voice always seems to catch me off guard.

"What did you say?"

"Hyunjin, he likes you. He can't stop telling us. Like every day," Felix stopped massaging my shoulders and took the seat where Minho was sitting.

"He does?"

"Oh god, yes, he does."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"The same way you won't confess to him," Chan interrupted.

I never told Hyunjin how I felt, as I always thought he could do better than me. I was always shy around him, but I felt a million times safe whenever he was around.

Of course, I felt safe with the others, but there is something about Hyunjin that brings me comfort.

"Y/n! We are on in one minute!" Hyunjin shouted above the music, throwing his can of beer away.

"That is your call! Good luck, and remember, deep breathe."

I took Chan and Felix's advice by taking in a deep breath before getting off my seat and walking over to where Hyunjin was.

He held out a Microphone to me. I thanked him before looking at the song choice he made for us.

Just the way you are by Bruno Mars.

A love song?

The instrumental started playing; I took my spot on the left-hand side of the stage with Hyunjin opposite me on the right.

I brought the mic up to my lips, inhaling softly before quietly singing. Jisung and Seungmin shouted to sing louder.

So, I did. Once my part was over, Hyunjin took over, throwing in the dance moves while slowly making his way over to me, ushering me to follow him.

The chorus came on, Hyunjin taking my hand in his, locking our fingers together. He steps closer to me, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

Her lips, her lips
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates, but I think it's so sexy
She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday
Oh, you know, you know
You know I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searchin' for, then just stay the same
So don't even bother askin' if you look okay
You know I'll say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are

His eyes locked with mine as the Microphone he was holding dropped to the floor. He cupped my face before brushing his lips against mine.

My body shook, and I also dropped my microphone. Feeling his lips brush against mine, I stood on my tiptoes and connected our lips.

I threw my arms around his neck as his hands carefully held my waist. The kiss was as light as a marshmallow; once you taste it, you can't get enough of it.

The song was still playing instrumental mode in the background, so Jeongin and Minho grabbed the mics that were by our feet and took over to make it less awkward.

Once the song finished, Hyunjin pulled away first, still keeping eye contact with me. Both of us are trying to catch our breath.

Cheers and screams came from behind us. Chan and Felix fist-pumped the air, and Changbin playfully pouted as if he had never gotten his Hyunjin kiss.

Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin were screaming in shock that Hyunjin and I kissed for the first time in front of them.

While Minho trying to vomit only to receive an elbow in the rib cage, Chan.



"I am madly in love with you. I know, you think I am drunk, but I am not, as I only had one beer."

Hwang Hyunjin, the hottest man on this earth and my crush, is actually confessing to me.

"Hyunjin, I"

"Please, let me finish. I have been in love with you for a while, but I could never tell you as I was very nervous you would reject me, but now you kissed me back. I finally know my answer."

He put his hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb over my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too, Hyunjin. You don't know how much I do."

"Oh, I know. Felix told me before we got on stage."

I shoot a playful glare over the blonde Aussie who quickly hides behind Chan, poking his hand out and giving me finger hearts.


"Yes, Hyunjin?"

I turned my attention back to Hyunjin, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"100% yes"

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