Ch2 Ep 5 | Where destinies cross |

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*After today's episode starts with a shining light blinding everything in sight, it slowly fades away after this intense glow, and we can hear a voice...*

-????: Ugh... what happened?...


*After a few moments where this light finally allowed us to see again, after all this brightness cleared up, we could see what happened in that place where that intense light took the heroine of that world away. It was here, after the light completely faded away, we returned to the scene of Leia's world, seeing what happened after the light consumed and took her. Zeik and Delta were on the ground, disoriented by that light which had taken Leia after standing in front of such an explosion of light. Both slowly reacted to what had happened, and Zeik began to look around.*

-Zeik: What was... that light?... Leia... Leia?!?!

-Delta: [Irregular energy burst detected] ... That was... She's not here... Did she... disappear?...

*Both looked around, the activating machine was completely useless for now, having burned out too many components due to the excess energy produced. This was something curious, and up there on that ceiling, the time machine itself, the light produced from it was slowly turning off completely... In the place of these events, only Zeik and Delta were seen, which was suspicious...*

-Delta: Where is Specter? He couldn't have disappeared too, could he?...

-Zeik: But where is Leia? The machine... she was right in front of the machine before that light exploded...

-Delta: It's possible that... Instead of bringing someone from another era, the machine took her...

-Zeik: Watt?! Then Leia is...

-Delta: Without access to the Books of Past and Future, it's impossible to know where she was sent-

*As those two analyzed what had happened, no time would be wasted as now, from that tunnel they had made to reach such a deep place, the wattrel squad began to arrive hurriedly, reporting to Zeik*

-"Captain, something's wrong..."

*As they began to narrate what had happened, we could see what happened a little earlier and during the time of that light...*

-"While defending that entrance to the place... from there, we saw a great light at the bottom of the place! When we turned around, we saw a kind of spectral shadow, and suddenly all the remaining paradoxes began to act strange, something is approaching!"

-Delta: It seems Specter didn't waste time... he's trying to control the remaining paradoxes to take over the place...

*Interrupting the organization of that team, several rumblings were heard coming from that tunnel, several tremors approaching, hearing several knocks, steps, so many rumblings getting closer*

-Delta: I don't think it's a friendly crowd...

-Zeik: Leia...

-Delta: I know how much she means to you, but we can't afford to fail now...

*With concern about what could have happened to Leia, Zeik looking very worried, until Delta takes charge, reconsidering and refocusing, both stepped forward bravely, and finally, with a great crash and collapse, that tunnel was swept away, opening up even more space, and finally arrives...*

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