Ch1 Ep 6 | Battle against time |

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***We pick up from the previous chapter, in that serious exchange of looks between Leia and Delta towards Specter; despite their intentions to stop him, he showed no signs of concern, as slowly two dark figures began to emerge from that laboratory, gradually revealing themselves at Specter's sides***

Specter: "Did you really think... I wouldn't be prepared?... This place is perfect for me... So much confusion... causing so much anger and aggression... And conducting experiments..."

***The two figures emerging at Specter's sides from within laboratory zero were also other paradox Pokémon... the future paradox of a Hydreigon: Iron Jugulis, and the past paradox of a Misdreavus: Flutter Mane! But something was wrong... upon emerging, it was easily noticeable how they were imbued with a dark and sinister aura like Specter's, suggesting that he did something to make them even stronger, using his influence of resentment on them!***

Specter: "Their natural hatred and anger towards this world that keeps them imprisoned here... it's perfect to bring forth incredible power... They are just the first of hundreds more I will bring to this time, and I will use those emotions to carry out total annihilation..."

***In that moment of seriousness, where a battle would finally be unleashed, Leia and Delta, without hesitation knowing that Specter would plot something, would confront him no matter what, and after a moment of silence...***

Specter: "Finish them, and bring me the book..."

***Following Specter's orders, which with that vengeful power seemed to control those paradox Pokémon, they slowly advanced forward after receiving their commands***



***With the sudden beggining of music to kick off this battle, FlutterMane launched a powerful Moonblast into the midst of the battlefield, Leia and Delta dodging to the sides, forced to separate as the ghostly and sinister paradoxes now pursued Delta and Leia respectively.***

Leia: They're stronger than before...

Delta: All we can do is defeat every paradox Specter tries to control to stop his influence on this world.

***As the battle began, each facing their respective opponent, Leia was pursued by Iron Jugulis, its three heads unleashing a relentless barrage of ranged attacks at her, covering too much ground that even with her agility, so many attacks from so many directions proved challenging. On the other hand, Delta, with her dual blades, was forced to block Flutter Mane's powerful Fairy-type attacks.***


***Continuing this action, Leia would attempt to counterattack, being forced far from her usual range of attack, tearing off some strands of her fur, she would use them in her grass-type power to create an improvised Magical Leaf type attack fired from the side towards Iron Jugulis. However, from its three heads, a powerful Heat Wave swept away that attack, and seeing it coming, Leia, at a disadvantage in terrain and range, retreated to take cover behind a nearby rock.***


***In another sequence, Flutter Mane overwhelms Delta's defense with multiple Psyshock and Power Gem projectiles. Although she blocks them by spinning her blades, when attempting to counterattack, Flutter Mane proves too quick, evading the close-range attacks or the Psychocuts launched by Delta.***

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