Ch3 Ep 2 | Where everything started |

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-"If I supposedly gave up, you must be wondering how I ended up finding you... let's just say... I got lucky..."

*After the sudden silence, doubts that the previous chapter had left us about Agent L's whereabouts in the year that remained to complete the story, we heard her voice narrating the events of her story again, and from the dark abyss we saw last time, suddenly, the whole scene changed, other events, another time, until we suddenly find ourselves on a beach, in what seemed to be a private resort, on this shore by the sea, the distant view showing that on this whole beach, there was only one person, we only saw in this wide place a small spot, a large umbrella providing shade to the one under it, lying on a beach towel, and as this scene was approaching, seeing slight details of who was there, while still not seeing who it was, we noticed they were having a phone call...*

Listen... I don't care in the slightest if your world is going to war again... As long as they don't renew their contract....


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-L: ... my... "services"... will only go to the highest bidder... I don't care which side comes out on top, as long as they pay me....

*It was her! That agent... that assassin... after the last time we saw her aimlessly heading to an unknown portal, she was in this completely different and unknown world and with that appearance of hers! It would be normal for her, just like our original Lyla, to take on a new appearance that became her new natural state... there were similarities... after all, they were the same person, but for her, it was noticeable that she was brimming with confidence, so brazen and wouldn't listen to anyone unless it benefited her! She was on a personal vacation at this private beach, and after hanging up this offer, we would hear her present voice narrating these events!*

-"I started from zero in a new place, full of wars, violence, it was perfect for me~, Let's say I did wonderfully, lending my skills to the most... "generous"... I had everything sorted out, and I didn't lack anything........ or at least..... That's what I thought until recently...."

*In this recollection of what happened to Agent L... While she was relaxed in such a place, suddenly she heard an alarm, a notification from among her things.... And upon checking, it came from that travel device that she hadn't used in a while.. And it's when it becomes clear to us that she recently noticed the signal produced by Leia's travels, which would eventually lead her to Lyla, and that scene where she would verify the signal of a travel between worlds... Where at last she would notice this data, taking off her glasses to investigate this matter...*

-L: mhm... Could it be....?...


There's no way "she" isn't involved....

*Upon seeing how the agent was surprised by this new signal after so long of searching, a clue, at last something that would lead her to the objective of her endless mission, her surprise would be replaced by a sinister smile, seeing close-up shots of the agent's things, putting this device back on her wrist, taking that knife of hers... And as we approached her face, we would see that viscous darkness beginning to surround her again... She would resume her mission... And return to the hunt.... And we would know how she started tracking her...*

-L: I'm coming for you..... "Lyla" .....

*Only being able to see how the agent got up from that place... only letting us see small shots of her true new appearance... ready to kill... And with that device, turning her back to the shot to enter this portal through which we know she would emerge in front of the other protagonists, but for now, with this shot of how she entered and disappeared into that portal, the scene would cut and be interrupted to a black background... the wind blowing... a tone of tension and mystery in the air.... That dark background, hearing her narration resume... To what she was saying in the present....*



"That brings us here.... And you must be wondering where 'here' is... right?... Well, I'll tell you.... "


"...After my little break from the obsession of searching for you... While my... "businesses"... flourished... in my free time I took the trouble to privately investigate your whereabouts, maybe I couldn't find you among the infinite worlds, but I could locate where you left from...."


"Yes... That's right.... After all, I just had to look for an origin world similar to mine, despite the great infinities, infinite possibilities, it's already impressive enough that this story repeated itself twice .... Two decisions, two endings, and that brings us here... To the origin..."

*Slowly, after these words, it was no longer just a simple narration, it was that agent telling all these things to someone, being in this black background, slowly we seemed to see a light through a tunnel, all this time...*

"... You are correct......"



*Slowly that darkness was fading, that background all this time represented the travel between worlds of that portal! Reaching a light meant reaching the destination, and this destination, this place, the agent having planned this, and reaching this light, both we and Lyla would finally reach this place, opening our eyes to realize... Where she had returned to...*


*With a blink of an eye, after reaching this light, this destination... despite coming out of that portal the environment would still be gloomy and eerie, hearing the echoes of a destroyed plain, turned into a lifeless desert, this destruction... this place is...*

L: Welcome home.... Lyla....

*Finally, waiting for her in this place, this

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*Finally, waiting for her in this place, this... origin... was... were... the remains of the laboratory, the scientific facilities where Lyla was once experimented on in the past! This place being the remains after the explosion, the devastation caused by that experimental portal after Lyla entered it, her returning "home", this place of so much pain and suffering she thought she had left behind! Being greeted by that sinister smile of the agent and her new sinister appearance full of darkness and evil!, with her knife reflecting the image and the expression of terror on Lyla's face as she has been brought to this place and contemplates the destruction caused by her escape to another world! Forced to accept... the consequences... *




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