Ch1 Ep 8 | What the light took away |

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*Today's episode... would pick up from the scene where Delta ends up stabbing the control machine, this act seen through Specter's surprised eyes... The scene would unfreeze as Delta regained control over herself, seeing what she had done, as well as the moment everyone turned their attention upwards, to the time machine emitting all kinds of colors and shining brightly, even though the activating machine now seemed to be failing, but the process hadn't stopped, and everyone snapped into action against this*

Delta: What happened?... I... I came back... I attacked it... but... I'm in control...

Leia: Delta! There's no time to waste! That machine is still active! You're the only one who can stop it!

Delta: I... Yes, I'll stop it!!!

*Immediately, Delta moved to the control interface, trying to input various ways to force the machine to shut down, in those heart-stopping moments, the situation very tense and nervous, Leia and Zeik looking up at that shining machine, and then Leia would direct her attention, pointing at Specter*

Leia: YOU! How do we stop that thing?! Why is it still active?!


Specter: "Heh... Heheh.... It's already too late... I don't even know the consequences there will be... but as long as you all fall, I'll enjoy the results..."

Leia: Damn you... since you're already dead... but you can't do anything anymore....

*In those moments, it was noticeable that Delta was desperately trying to stop the machine, that despite the connection to the time machine, the process didn't stop and could be risky, along with Zeik's electricity, trying to reboot it, unsuccessfully, and then Leia...*

Leia: The books! It's supposed to not work without them, right? Then!-

*After taking and forcing out the Scarlet and Violet Books, Leia and company looked up at the time machine... which seemed its light had disappeared... but then... it returned once more... that glow... slowly growing bigger and stronger until it starts to accelerate!*

Delta: This shouldn't be possible! Unless this is!-

Specter: "Another paradox.... If it doesn't access the past or the future..."

Zeik: Then what era will it access?...

*After those moments where it seemed like everyone had lost hope in stopping the time machine, which refused to be stopped, then Leia, who also looked worried looking up at that machine and that glow that kept intensifying, a floral bomb appeared in her hand, clenching her fist around it to gain confidence*

Leia: There's no other choice... the time machine must be destroyed!

Zeik: Watt! Leia, what are you doing?!

Delta: If you destroy it, it can never be rebuilt!

Specter: "Cursed cat... Don't you dare!"

*Leia saying those words as she began to run at great speed, holding that floral bomb in her hand to gain momentum approaching below that machine despite the cost it took to build it, not risking its imminent activation, Specter standing in the way only to be phased through as if he wasn't even there as a spectral apparition itself, and so, Leia, with a determination to destroy that machine...*

Leia: I'll protect my region... No matter what!

*In that scene, showing how Leia finally makes a huge leap upwards towards that machine, while suspended in the air, something seemed wrong... that intense light seemed to be charging even more as if something was about to be shot from it, and so, in that pose in the air, with her floral bomb floating above her hand, in front of Leia, that machine's glow was so strong that something seemed about to happen...*


*Those present... would witness something that should never have happened... seeing Leia's figure right in front of that machine to destroy it...... With a suspenseful pause... From Leia's eyes watching that great shine... it happened... a great brilliance.... That light consuming her figure after an intense shine that shot out of that machine uncontrollably*

Zeik: LEIA!!!!!!!!!

*After that scream of seeing her disappear before their eyes... noticing that light not only covering her until it vanished her.... Consuming everything... those spectators beneath the machine after Leia's disappearance, this light spreading uncontrollably, everything visible, covered in that blinding white light.... With the suspenseful silence... about what the light took away....*







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