Chapter 40

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Lily's POV

I quickly make a snowball and chucked at Liam's head. Elle is screaming in the background beside Liam.

"Of course you'd take your Dad's side!" I yell jokingly running towards Elle. She immediately takes shelter behind Li.

The fight lasts for another 15 minutes until Elle and I get cold. I start to walk inside but my phone begins to buzz inside my coat packet.

It says unknown number so I'm assuming it's the hospital.

"Hello?" I croak into the phone. I walk inside with the phone head up by my shoulder.

"Hi, it's Louis' doctor over at the hospital. I think we're taking him into surgery today. I thought you would like do know the procedure. He is one the transplant list, but he will be treated as a civilian. Not the superstar he actually is."

"Yes... ok," I say hinting him to hurry this conversation up.

"If a heart comes soon, he'll be able to have it. But- please do not get your hopes up. I thought you would like to be informed and this was the phone number I was given by Louis to contact."

"Thank you so much I appreciate you calling." I say and hang up. If he doesn't get his heart, I just want him to be able to spend his last birthday and Christmas with us.

I look at my phone and it says Sunday, December 20, 1:27 p.m. Wow, it's already Sunday?

"Hey Lily I have to go to the studio at 2 with the boys. First time back since you know Zayn..." He catches him trailing off about Zayn but continues. "I'll try to be home around 5-5:30. I love you."

"Bye, babe. I love you too. I'll have dinner ready when you get back." I stand on my tip toes to peck him on the lips.

Declan starts crying in the room next to me, have they been sleeping this whole time? I run over to get him to see the problem. Probably just hungry.

I look down to check on Eden and she's still sleeping with Elle watching her side. They twins can't breastfeed since Declan is so much smaller than Eden is.

I mix the special growth formula for Declan. They're both fed and burped, now falling asleep like usual.

I'm rocking Declan in the crib and we both are dozing off.


"The only you can hear is their vocals and faint background music. The harmonies, everything." I spill to Perrie who's in the room with me listening to the boys practice next door.

"What would you do if one of your family members got sick?" Perrie asks out of nowhere.

"Probably come and cry to you. Other than that, I don't really know." I think for a few moments before asking, "Why are you asking me this? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just something to think about."

I lay back on the bed we were sitting on. If Louis did get sick, it would change my life and pretty much everyone else's around him.

End of dream/flashback

I burst up from my dream just remembering that conversation now. How could I not remember that? I think to myself. Stupid, stupid Lily.

Tomorrow's Lou and Elle's joint birthday at the hospital. Elle is going to be so excited with her gifts.

*Flash forward to party*

"Hey Lou," I say cheerily sticking my head into his room.

"Lily," He says lightly but with his infamous big grin.

I walk up and sit next to him on his small hospital bed. "How do you feel?"

"Sick, very sick. Just wishing all of this pain would go away."

The answer just makes my heart crush into a million pieces. Knowing he wants to go, that he'd rather die rather than going through this any longer.

"I'm so sorry." I brush the hairs out of his face. "I wish there was something I could do."

He reaches up and wipes the tears that are falling from my face. "Oh stop it, let's have fun. It's supposed to be a happy day, not a sad one!" I brush it off.

Liam and Louis share their hello's and everyone seems to be coming now. All with gifts for Louis and Elle.

"Presents!" Elle squeals at the big box 'Uncle Ni' brought for her.

I'm watching her beaming at this sight, of everyone here just for her. Perrie and Anna adore the twins and have them, although Anna already has to take care of her own. And will have to even more soon.

Elle is now opening her presents consisting of dolls, clothes, shoes, horsies as Elle would say. She's opening the best one. (Mine of course)

She practically screams at the sight of the "Bitty Baby" doll. She's been nagging at me for one. It came with a bottle, clothes and it includes a shirt for Elle and the doll that has the number 4 because that's her age, a pacifier, everything I had to use for her.

"Louis here," I stand to give him his gift.

It's a watch he's always want and a picture of us when I was around 18 and he was 21.

It's a quote we always used to say to each other. "Sadly siblings by chance, gladly enemies by choice"

"Lily.. you didn't have to do this..."

I feel like I did have to do this for him. I'm not going to let him see that I care and love for him like a fool. He deserves this more than ever.

"Louis- it's nothing. You wanted the
watch and I had to make it sentimental. I mean I do have that tear jerker effect." I tease.

"Lily, thank you for basically raising me, alright you are two years younger than I am. I love you."

guys I'm so sad that this book is like over. I was writing the outline for the last chapter (which is next :( ) I'm trying to make it as sad as possible but there will be an epilogue so stayed tuned for that cuz that'll be up short after the final. thanks for sticking around and reading, I love you guys.

Sara :)

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