Chapter 37

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You may not believe it, but Elise is able to leave the hopstial after another surgury, and 2 weeks of recovery. As for Harry, it looks like he's going to be okay afterall. I was shocked, and very emotional after finding out he would be.

*2 weeks earlier*

The babies were all in bed and me and Liam decided to bravely sit outside on a crisp November night drinking tea.

"There's a native tribe that used to see things in the stars," I said to Liam looking out. At that instant, I felt something. Not physically but mentally. Like something doesn't go completely right.

"I was outside, the night of the accident. And I felt something. Like 'oh shit something's up'"

"Maybe you're a part of them. Through ancestors." Liam suggests. "But man, I've never seen you so distraught. You're always so bubbly, happy and you were neither of those."

I stare at him, his eyes staring back at with me concern.

"I've been upset, yes. Harry and Elise's incident has had me upset and worried." I spill. All Liam does is hug me, long and tight. He embrace is so warm, all I need could ever need.


The next morning I wake up to no one beside me. "Where is Liam?" I ask my self. I shrug it off, hoping bad's happened since Liam and I wake up around the same time every morning.

I slump to the nursery after being startled by baby screams.

"Oh my god please shut up," I laugh. I grab Declan who was screaming when I walked into the room.

I rock him in the rocking chair and he simply wouldn't stop his episode of whaling.

I make my way downstairs for the first time today to see if I can figure out where Liam is.

Once downstairs, I discover a Post-It on the fridge.

"At the hospital; emergency with the boys. Call me when you wake up. Love you. -Liam."

What now..? I search the kitchen for my phone and find it hiding next to the coffee maker.

I quickly unlock my phone and dial Liam's number. It keeps ringing, and ringing. He finally picks up after 3 rings.

"Liam? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I ask jumping to conclusions.

"No, I'm not. But Louis is." His breath was short and sharp.

"Ok, and why would you ever think that I'd be alright with you going to the hospital to see my brother? I understand that he may be a like a brother to you, but we literally came out of the same womb." I snap at him. I'm furious.

"Lily. I do not have time for you and whatever this bitch attitude you're giving me right now."

"Me? Having an attitude? What are you, my dad?" I spit. "Go call me a bitch to Niall or whatever. But I'm not the bitch here." I hang up the phone.

All I wanted to know where Liam was. Now it led to some stupid fight that shouldn't have happened.

After calming down a bit, I call Elise. I need her to babysit the twins while I bring E to the hospital with me.

"Hey love. Can you babysit the twins for me? Apparently Louis is hurt and me and Li got in a fight so I need visit Lou while avoiding Liam. Make sense?" I laugh into the phone.

"Sure, anything for you. Let's go out later!!" She says. "Be over in 10."


There's a knock on my door and I know that's E. I walk over with Elle on my hip even though she's getting quite big, she's almost 4 not to mention.

"Auntie E!" Elle squeals as she sees Elise through the glass door. I smile as we make eye contact through the glass door.

"Hey girl. What's wrong?" She questions, always knowing whether I'm happy or sad.

"Liam." I sigh. "He's being awfully selfish with Lou."

"Why is that? I'm getting a feeling that I don't know something."

"I don't like explaining this story, but I figure I will. Louis, when he was younger had this rare birth defect that didn't start to show until very, very recently. I believe it causes the brain to wear away at itself until death. He's going to die, soon." I sob.

I look up and Elise is crying too. I hate being so damn emotional. I wipe the tears from her face, and she returns the kind gesture.

"Don't pity me, I don't want it. It makes me feel bad that you feel bad," I half laugh and half sniffle."

"You're my best friend I'm gonna have to feel bad for you."

I hug Elise and thank her for taking care of my babies. Now off the hospital...

Eleanor is in her car seat, talking to me.

"Mum, where are we going?" She asks me full of curiosity.

"To the hospital, Uncle Lou is there." I tell her simply. She's too young to understand anything that is happening.

I pull into a space in the hospital, and walk my way around the car to open the door to get Eleanor out.

I pull her out of the car seat, and place her on my hip and lock the door. Off to see Louis.

I walk over to the desk that says "Visiting" in bold letters above.

"Hello, Louis Tomlinson," I tell the lady whom I'm trying to visit.

"Room 619, please." And with that, I'm off to see my brother.

I take the elevator because walking up the stairs with Eleanor is a struggle now that she's so big.

By the time the elevator doors open, I can hear a distinct Irish accent coming from somewhere. I continue to walk towards the sound, knowing it's Niall.

When I find the source of the sound, I walk past them, and straight into see Louis.

I gasp as I enter the room. He has so many machines hooked up to him, so many needles, too much.

"Louis..." I start to say.

"Lily, you're here. I've been asking for you," His voice brittle and dry.

"I'm here. Liam doesn't want me here," I say and sit in the seat closest to the bed with Eleanor on my lap. Louis takes her hand into his, rubbing his large over the pads of her small fingers.

"I love you guys, please always remember that," Louis says.

Eleanor jumps off my lap very unexpectedly.

"Daddy!!" Is the next thing I hear. Great.

I look up at him and we barely make eye contact. I stand to leave, but a noise beings to play throughout the room. A steady high pitched sound.

hey. sorry I haven't updated in a century. still love you tho. sorry for the sad update.


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