1- Be careful

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I walked towards Andersen's office, but she wasn't there. I looked around, until Tim caught my eye. 'Boot, you coming?' Tim shouted at me. 'Yes, I just need to find Andersen.' I replied. 'She's on patrol with Nolan. You can talk to her later, come on, Let's go.' I sighed but walked after Tim to the shop. 'This can only go wrong.' I said underneath my breath, thinking, worrying about my mom. We sat down in the shop and Tim drove off in silence. I tried to push my worries down but the facts were too hard to ignore. It's been a couple months since the last time she was on patrol and that made me worry. I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed my phone and went to text.

Hi, I heard you're on patrol with John today, please be careful. 🙏

Don't worry about me honey, I have been doing this my whole life, I can handle this.

I know, See you tonight?

Yes, see you later. 😘

'Boot, put that phone away. We need to focus.' Tim strictly said and I just did what he asked. 'Who are you texting anyway?' He added. 'Ehh, My mom.' I responded, hesitantly. 'I thought you and your parents weren't talking?' He said confused. 'Yeah, It's complicated. Anyways, What is our plan today?' I said. I didn't like talking about my mother and I was always scared that I would say something about Zoe that would blow our cover, so changing the subject it was. 'Well, we need to try and stop the greenlight. I say we go to Only's. That's their favorite bar, and start making some arrests' He explained and I nodded, letting him know I understood. We continued the day and arrested a lot of people from that gang, in the hope they would cancel the greenlight on John. The whole day, I worried about Zoe, but every time I zoned out, Tim started shouting and that kept me going. Normally, I could often ignore my mom at work. It was something I had to promise her before I started. No one was allowed to find out about our relation, But today. Today, I just kept having this feeling that something was wrong. That something was going to happen and I think Tim noticed. He kept looking at me with those concerned but annoyed eyes. 

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