16- John and Jackson

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Lucy had just left the room and they were just standing there, frozen. 'What do we do?' Jackson asked. 'Let's just continue. It's clear she wants some space right now and I don't think it will make things better if she comes back and we didn't do anything.' John answered and sighing they started working on sorting the files again. It was dead silence. The only sounds came from cases that they threw in the boxes. They were almost finished with their second row when Jackson found something. 'John, In which box do we put this one? It doesn't have a name.' He asked. Let me see.' and Jackson handed him a file. 'Ehh, hold on. This isn't a case.' he said, opening the file. 'Oh.' He brought out. 'What?' 'They're are adoption papers.' John explained. 'Really, let me see.' Jackson grabbed the papers out of John's hands. 'This is to confirm that the care of twelve-year-old LUCY CHEN is being transferred from her biological mother Venessa Chen and stepfather Patrick Chen to the ANDERSEN family!' Jackson shouted. That sentence was written on a little piece of paper that was attached to the other papers with a staple. The other paper was the official adoption paper. On that stood who was adopted, by who and on what day. It was signed with 4 signatures. One from Lucy's mother, One from Lucy's stepdad, One from Lucy's herself and one from someone with the last name Andersen.

 One from Lucy's mother, One from Lucy's stepdad, One from Lucy's herself and one from someone with the last name Andersen

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'Come on, We need to find Lopez and Harped to find out if this is Cap's signature.' John and Jackson walked out of the office, down the stairs. When they were down stairs, they saw that Angela and Nyla were just about to leave. 'Harper, Lopez, wait up please!' John shouted across the room. 'Nolan, this better be important. I already did our paperwork and I want to go home.' Nyla said annoyed. 'This is, we need to know if this is Captain Andersen's signature.' Jackson answered before John could. 'Let me see.' Angela said, holding her hand out for the file. 'John held the paper that way so they could only see the signature they were talking about. 'Yes, that's her signature, why?' Angela said, confused. John and Jackson looked at each other with wide open eyes. 'Now it makes sense.' Jackson said. 'Okay, I'm super intrigued. 'What's going on?' Nyla asked, speaking for herself and Angela. 'Well, we found out what's going on with Lucy, but it's kind of a weird story.' John started. 'Just give me the damn papers.' Nyla snatched them out of John's hands. She went through them together with Angela. Their eyes opened wide when they realized.

'You're kidding, right? Angela asked, loudly. 'Please keep your voice down. She tried very hard to keep it quiet.' John begged. 'Where is Lucy actually?' Nyla asked, looking around. 'Well, now we come to the bad part. Before we found this, we kind of made her mad and she stormed off.' Jackson said and the girl's eyes widened again. 'Did she tell you where she went?' Nyla asked. 'She said she was going to get some air.' 'That means bathroom.' Angela translated. 'But she made it pretty clear that she wanted to be alone. Nyla and Angela both sighed.' John said. 'Yes, from you too. Go back upstairs and finish with those files. We'll handle this.' Angela responded, mad. She understood what Lucy was going through. She and Nyla walked off towards the bathrooms and John and Jackson went back upstairs, feeling guilty and surprised by what they just found out.

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