21- The conversation

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'Tim, have you seen them?' I asked all of a sudden. We were still walking towards the car. He looked over at me. 'No, sorry, I haven't.' He responded and that made me anxious. We were almost to the car when I froze. Tim stopped too and looked back at me. I saw his face drop when he saw mine. 'What?' He asked, concerned. 'There here.' my face and voice showed no emotion, clearly terrified by what I was looking at. 'That's their car.' I added and Tim turned back around. There were only two cars behind him. His and a not very big, blue car. You could see two people sitting inside. My head was spiraling and throbbing, so I didn't even realize I was walking backwards until he shouted my name. 'Come on, get in. We're going to the station.' He said. 'Why?' 'I don't know your parents and if they know which car is mine then they probably followed us here and I don't feel like giving them my address.' He explained and I nodded.

I quickly got in and as soon as we closed the doors, my parents got out. My father knocked on Tim's window but we ignored them. He backed up the car but had to stop, because my mom was standing right behind us. 'You've got to be kidding me.' Tim grunted. 'Sorry.' I mumbled in my parents name. My heart couldn't take this. The overwhelming feeling got back to me and I could only stare at my hands. I heard a high beeping sound in my ears and my heart was jumping out of my chest. Oh, how badly I wanted to burn right now. I snapped back when Tim honked at my parents but my mother didn't move. I knew that they wanted from us and before Tim could say anything, I had already slammed the door shut behind me. I stomped towards my mother. 'What on earth do you think you're doing?!' I shouted. My mom looked at me, staring into my soul like always. 'Don't talk to your mother like that.' She hissed, trying to hold back her anger. 'You are not my mother!' I shouted back, a tear rolled down my cheek. 'Oh, Lou, pull yourself together. Adults don't cry!' My father merged into the conversation. I looked at him, my eyes flaming with anger. 'You wanted to talk to me right after such an emotional event and you expect me to be my happy and bubbly self?' I asked him. I saw that Tim got out of the car but he didn't say anything. He just stood there, waiting on what was going to happen.

'You know what? I don't care. I'll give you one minute to explain why you're here and then I'm gone.' I tried to sound nicer and calmer, hoping they would do the same but that plan didn't really work. 'Lou Lou, how about we sit down somewhere to talk?' My mom tried. 'I'm fine with that, but that will take you time, and believe me. One minute isn't that much.' 'Fine, you need to quit the LAPD.' My dad blurred out. I could see the disbelief on Tim's face as his eyes went from my mom to my dad. 'Sorry Lou, but we just want to be proud of you. We don't want to change the subject every time someone asks us about our daughter.' My mom added. 'Don't call me your daughter. I am not and have never been your daughter.' I hissed.

'Yes, you are. I gave birth to you. And now Cloë is gone, you can get a normal and appropriate job like a therapist or doctor.' She did it again. Why does she always mess up Zoe's name? She knows it's Zoe. 'Yes, your mom and I will support you financially and then you can finally have a future. We just want to be proud of you.' My father added. I just stood there, taking it all in as the tears streamed like rivers. I bit my lip. 'Anything else?' I asked, just wanting this to be over. 'Yes, where have you been staying? We went by your apartment, but you weren't home?' My mom asked. 'How do you know where I live?' I looked up at them in shock. 'Well, we followed you from work.' She answered like it was the most normal thing on earth.

'Okay, and that's where I'm going to step in.' Tim interrupted loudly. My parents looked at him. 'Put your hands on the back of your head. I'm arresting you for stalking and harassing a police officer.' He grabbed two pairs of handcuffs out of his car. 'No, you can't do that!' My mom shouted. 'Unless Lucy doesn't want to press charges, I can arrest you right now.' He smiled back. Now both my parents looked at me, the fake regret on their face like a thick mask. 'Oh, come on Lou. You're not letting your parents get arrested right now, right?' I knew they didn't mean it and that hurted me more than the words they had just said. My hurt turned into anger. 'No, Tim isn't going to arrest you.' I said with a straight face and I saw the relief on theirs. 'But I'm going to.' I added and and their relief turned into fear. I held my hands out and Tim threw the cuffs towards me. I caught them.

'Hands behind your head, interlace your fingers.' I said to my mom and after a bit of hesitation, she did what I asked. 'You're going to regret this. Trust your dad, you're making a big mistake!' He shouted as I handed my mom to Tim. I wanted to answer him but Tim was quicker. 'And I'll make sure to add, treating of a police officer on your charges.' I could help but smile a little as I also put my dad into the cuffs. 'Can you call it in?' I asked Tim and he grabbed his phone to call Grey and put it on speaker.

'Bradford, what can I help you with?' I heard Grey say. He sounded a little less happy than normal. 'Yes, hello. We need police transport to transport two suspects to the station.' Tim explained. 'Sure thing, I'll send a unit. May I ask who you arrested at a cemetery?' He asked, confused, so I answered. 'It's a long story that I'll explain later.' I said it like it was no big deal, however inside, I was falling apart as always. 'Ehh, okay. Yes, I'll send a unit and I'll see you at the station.' Grey sturend. Tim thanked him and hung up.

After a couple minutes, a police car came and Smitty got out. 'Great, we got the best cop in the city.' Tim stated. I knew it was meant sarcastically but it totally didn't sound like that. 'Smitty, we need you to bring these two to the police station, we'll meet you there.' I explained to him. 'And you won't get out of your shop until you have parked the car at the station, no detours. Am I clear?' Tim added. 'Yes, sir. You can count on me.' I rolled my eyes. 'Great.' Tim sighed and we put my parents in the back of his shop. We watched Smitty driving away and then we got into Tim's car. I buckled up and let out a sigh of relief. 'That was intense.' He said. 'You can say that, but I rather go with the words terrifying.' I said back. It was quiet but Tim didn't start the car. 'I know it won't make a difference if I say this, but I'm really sorry you had to put up with that and I'm sorry that they talked to you that way. You didn't deserve that.' I smiled at him. 'I know, but thank you for saying it. It does mean a lot.' I responded. He began to drive.

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