19- Speech

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I quickly looked through the door opening, into the hall and I saw that almost everyone was already there. I looked at my phone. 'Oh, it's already 10:50. We're going to start soon.' I announced and we all walked in. Tim, Grey, Angela, Wesley, Nyla, John and Jackson took place on the second row. 'I'm going to say hello to my family.' I explained to Tim, who nodded to let me know that he understood and I walked to the front. There I spotted June. June was my cousin and we got along great.

'Hé, Lucy.' She said to me, sadder than she normally was. She stood up and took a couple steps towards me. 'Hi, June. How are you?' I asked, walking towards her. 'I should be the one asking you that, but anyway. I'm okay. Wasn't too happy when you called me about this, but you know. What can I say? I didn't lose my mom. I only lost my aunt. I'm so sorry for your loss.' She answered, remorseful but also a little shy and taken back. 'What? No, don't say that. I know how much you loved Zoe and everyone in here deserves to be sad about her death. Not just me, okay?' I explained. I saw the tears behind her eyes and gave her a hug. She softly cried in my arms.

'Is this the first time you've cried about it?' I asked, softly whispering in her ear. I felt her nod. 'Just know it's okay and I'm here for you if you need someone, okay?' I felt how she pulled out my hug. 'Thanks.' She whipped her tears away. 'Of course.' I smiled slightly at her. I saw how she tried to turn her body away from the crowd behind us. I took a step closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder. 'Look at me.' And she did what I asked. 'You're allowed to cry here. You know that right?' I asked unsure. She answered my question by hugging me again. I was a little surprised by the sudden hug but I hugged her back. 'I know but I just feel guilty every time I do.' She explained to me. 'Don't be, nobody is going to look at you weird or anything. And if they do, you come to me and order them another coffin, alright.' I joked and she laughed a little. 'I will.' She said, letting me go again. 'Good, now go sit down, okay?' She did what I asked and I walked up to Richard who was standing next to the stage.

'Are you ready to start?' He asked and I breathed deeply in and out. 'I hope so.' And he handed me the microphone. 'Take your time and I wish you good luck.' He said. 'Thank you.' I said, grateful and then I walked up the stage. I took place behind the stand. I put down my Speech and looked around the room. 'Good Morning everyone.' I started, my heart heavy with the things that were going to follow. 'As many of you already know, I am Lucy Chen. I was Zoe Andersen's daughter as you might know. First, I would like to say how grateful I am to have you all here today. I'm sure she would've loved to be here with us... Before I start I would like to inform you about how today is going to proceed. First, We have some people that would like to say something to you all. After that, we'll have some things to eat and you will also have the opportunity to go up to the casket and say the things you want to say. Around 2 PM, we'll make our way to the cemetery.' I explained.

After that I talked a little about how I met Zoe and how she became my mother. I talked about the memories we made together and about how funny but hard it was to hide our relationship from everyone at the station. 'I still don't know how you didn't notice, because I always thought we were super obvious but nobody had an idea.' I said smiling. Grins and soft laughter filled the room. I looked over at Tim, Angela, Nyla, John, Jackson and Grey who felt a little attacked by my remark. At first I was a little nervous to talk in front of such a big group of people but even through the heaviness of the subject, It went pretty well. After I finished, Grey had his speech and then June, my moms friend and my aunt said a couple words. It was pretty funny to see Grey super emotional but I cried the most about the things my niece said. We listened to some of my moms favorite songs and then it was time for food.

While everyone was either eating or talking with each other, I took the time to look at the cards the guests had written. I saw cards from police officers, family members, friends and then I read a name that made me feel sick to my stomach. I grabbed the card and read it.

Dear Lou Lou,

I'm sorry for you that she is gone. I know how much you loved her. But now she isn't here to protect you anymore, we would like to talk to you about your job. I know you love to be a cop, but you're ruining your future. Your dad and I will support you financially if you go back to school and finish your study in psychology. Being a cop like her was stupid. We'll talk after the ceremony.

-Mom and Dad

I froze reading in. I just stood there, staring at the last sentence 'Mom and Dad'. I don't know why it bothered me so much. I had called them mom and dad since I could talk, but this felt off. Maybe it was the message that they added that made me shiver, but I hated it. I jumped up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sighed in relief when I saw that it was just Tim. 'Geez, you gave me a heart attack.' I almost shouted. 'Sorry that wasn't my intention. Are you okay?' He asked. I wanted to show him the card but decided it would be better if he didn't know. 'Yes, you just scared the crap out of me.' I said, hiding the card behind my back. Tim smiled at me, seeing right through me. 'Let me see.' He stook out his hand for the card. I gave in, knowing he had already seen it. I handed him the card with annoyance. He quickly read the card and his eyes whinshed open. I stared at the ground, guilty and ashamed.

'Are they serious?' Tim asked angrily and I nodded. 'Why did you invite them? I thought you said they hated Zoe.' He continued, loudly. I grabbed the card out of his hands and pulled him away from everyone for some privacy. 'I didn't. I don't even know how they found out she passed, but that's not the point.' I started explaining, keeping my voice down. 'Tim, I don't know what to do. You and Zoe were right. I don't want them in my life anymore, but I don't think I can say that to their face.' I added. He turned his gaze towards me. 'Really, you're finally listening to me?' He asked, sarcastically. 'Please don't. I can't do that right now.' Tears welled up in my eyes. 'I know, sorry. Okay, what do you want to do?' He asked. The stress and angst I felt made it hard to concentrate. 'I- I don't know. They want to talk but I don't and I haven't seen them yet. I don't know when they want to talk and, I don't know.' I spiraled. I saw Tim looking around the hall, trying to find my parents. 'Okay, calm down. Spiraling won't help.' He started, grabbing my hands for support. I took a deep breath in and looked in his eyes, hopeful that had a solution. 'What do I do?' I asked again. 'I don't really know right now, but in the meantime, how about you stay close so I can help you when they do show up?' He suggested and I nodded. 'Yeah, I can do that. Thank you.' I sighed. 'No problem.' He responded. I wanted to walk back towards the others, my heart still pounding out of my chest. Tim pulled me back. 'Look at me.' And I stared into his eyes. 'You're going to get through this, I promise.' He tried to help my hopes up. 'I know, but thank you for saying it.' I smiled slightly. He smiled back at me and we walked back to the others.

The rest of the ceremony, I just stayed in Tim's eyesight. Every time I looked over at him, I saw him staring back at me. It gave me a very protected feeling that even made my heart glow a little. I talked a bit with my niece, aunt and other family members from Zoe's side, but I couldn't help it. I kept looking around, trying to find my parents. The fact that they were here made me feel very nervous so I was the only one that didn't eat any of the snacks. 

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