9- Arrest

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We arrived at the road where we were going to stop Cole. It was a remote road so there wasn't much traffic. We all stood there, Jackson, Angela, John, Nyla, Grey, Tim and me. We were hiding behind our shops with our guns out, waiting for Cole to arrive. 'All units, get ready. Airship has a visual. Two minutes out.' Grey said. I felt the adrenaline rush through my body and it made me extremely nervous, maybe even a little scared.

'Look, you need to know that no matter what happens next, whether we arrest this guy or we kill him, it won't make things better.' Tim tried to prepare me but it just annoyed me. 'I know that.' I said back, expressing my feelings in the way I said it. 'No. You only think you do.' He saw right through me. I accidentally lowered my gun while I looked at him. 'Can you please don't use my grief and anger to make me a better cop. I can't handle that right now.' I asked. He looked back at me with those caring eyes. 'I wasn't going to. Okay? Grief is grief. It's a hole that can't be filled, but over time, it'll shrink enough so that you won't fall in every time you take a step. But trust me, if there's one thing you can use to make yourself a better cop, it'll be her life, not her death.' Tim's words were hit hard but also inspiring and soothing.

'One minute.' Grey shouted. I turned my eyes away from him again, back to focusing on pointing my gun in the right direction. The metal from the gun felt cool in my burned hands. It was quiet for a moment and I took my time to angle my gun. The nerves were slowly taking over my body and my hands began to shake a little. I tried to hide it as best as I could, so Tim wouldn't see it but he did. He put his hands on mine and looked me in the eyes. 'Calm down, we're just arresting him.' He said, soft so only I could hear it. 'I am calm.' I lied. ' Well, not calm enough. Keep yourself under control or wait in the shop.' He pulled his hand away. I took a deep breath and was now way calmer than before.

'20 seconds out. Get ready.' Grey said and by that the anxiety was back. I pushed it down as far as possible and then I was him. An old, gray car came around the corner and immediately stopped. The driver, Cole, looked scared and tried to escape by driving backwards but two other shops blocked his way. 'Cole Midas, you are surrounded by the LAPD. Step out of the vehicle with your hands in the air.' Grey shouted into a microphone. I saw how Cole was looking for escape ways but there were none. 'I've got a clean shot, Sarge!' I heard Angela shout. She had a big sniper gun in her hands. 'Get out of the damn car now!' Grey ordered again and Cole's door slowly opened. He stuck his head and arms out. 'Okay! I'm getting out! Just, don't shoot!' He shouted and nobody did. He got out and put his hands in the air. 'Chen, go arrest that man. Nolan, your backup.' Grey said, not looking away from Cole. I met John's eyes and we walked towards Cole. Tim and Nyla followed us.

'It shouldn't be her.' I heard Tim say to Grey. 'No, it needs to be.' Grey responded and Tim let it slide. I walked towards Cole with fury in my eyes. 'Hands on your head. Interlace your fingers. Don't move... Other hand.' I ordered him, my voice sounding stronger than I felt. 'Ugh!' He brought it out. 'You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.' I read him his rights. 'Come on! We both know I won't live to stand trial.' He said, angry. 'Yes, you will. Because the woman you killed taught us it's not our job to punish you. My job is to protect and serve this city. The only right way to do that is to arrest you.' I said back, my voice showing no emotion. I pulled him away from his car, and started walking to our shop. When we turned around I was greeded with a small smile from Tim. I fakely smiled back. I put Cole in the backseat and slammed the door shut with a big sigh. Tim and I both got in the car and drove back to the station and the other shops went back on patrol.

As we were driving, Cole started to speak. 'Can I ask you a question, lady cop?' He asked. 'My name is officer Chen and yes, you may.' I answered. 'Lucy.' Tim said, his voice and face warning me that this was a bad idea. 'It's fine.' My eyes said back and Tim just stared at the road. 'Why did you get to arrest me?' Cole asked. 'Because I'm a cop and arresting people that broke the law is my job. Any other dumb questions?' I asked, annoyed. 'Don't talk to me like that. Your little captain said the same thing to me. Didn't she tell you that? Oh wait, she's dead.' he hit my weak spot. 'Wow, your mother did an awful job raising you.' I fought back, not backing down for a criminal. 'Don't you dare talk about my mother like that.' He lisped through his teeth. His voice, quiet, trying not to burst out in anger. I turned around in my seat to look at him. While I did that, I was Tim's face. 'Here we go.' His eyes said.

'Fine, I won't talk about your mother if you stop talking about mine, How about that?' I suggested. 'And trust me, I read your file and I know a lot of things about your family.' That last thing was a lie but it worked great with shutting him up. I saw his grin drop off his face. 'Good.' I added and I turned back around. It was silent for a moment.

'So that's why you were the one arresting me.' Cole stated. Instead of answering, I ignored him and looked at Tim. 'TO?' I playfully asked. 'Is it illegal to tape that man's mouth shut?' I asked. 'Sadly, yes. The punishments we give must be proportionate to the crime and not degrading or inhumane. Plus, it can be seen as a violation of a person's right to free speech, which is protected by the First Amendment of the United States.' Tim answered like a robot. 'Even if the criminal in question is a total ass?' I continued, hopeful. 'Even if the criminal in question is a total ass?' Tim repeated, agreeing with my question. 'That's too bad.' I said, and I saw Tim grin and I did too. The rest of the drive was quiet. When we got back to the station, we checked Cole in and put him in a cell.

'I'm gonna go to the toilet, I'll be right back.' I said to Tim. He nodded and I walked away. As I walked through the station, I looked towards something I didn't want to see. I saw the open door from Zoe's office and I couldn't resist taking a look. I looked around the room. It was still so full of life. Buildings of papers were all over the place. Her laptop was still on her desk. Pictures and other memories were framed and placed on the cabinet. I walked in and grabbed one of the picture frames. It was a picture of a child. A child, around 12 years old with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She had a vacation smile on her face as she posed by the eiffel tower. It was me. It was our first vacation together and it was the best week of my life. We ate french food and did fun activities together. Something my real parents would've never done with me. It was the only picture she had of me in her office, so it wouldn't raise suspicions. It was also the only picture without any dust on it, but I still whipped it clean. I sighed and put it down again.

When I turned around I was John and Jackson in the door opening. 'Jezus, how long have you been standing here? You almost gave me a heart attack.' I almost shouted. 'Long enough to know something is going on.' Jackson said. I felt a little outnumbered and overwhelmed by their presence. I knew they had questions and I really didn't feel like answering them right now. 'Well, isn't it obvious? She was a good captain, I liked her.' I avoided the question they were about to ask. 'We did too, but we also know that there is something else going on.' John said. I sighed again, trying to find a way to get out of the situation. I looked up at them and saw Tim walking over the hallway behind them. Our eyes met and luckily he saw my distress. He stopped and shouted my name. 'Chen, there you are. Come on, we need to go.' He said. 'I'm sorry, I need to go.' I repeated to them as I walked out.

'Thank you.' I greeted Tim as we walked through the station. 'No problem, but I thought you were going to the toilet?' He asked. 'I was, I am. Sorry.' And I walked into the lady's restroom. After I got back from the toilet, we finished our shift. We only took all the low distress calls. The day went great and I didn't really think about Zoe until Lunch. The nausea came back so I wasn't able to eat anything. Tim looked a little concerned at me when I told him I wasn't hungry. I had never skipped lunch before but he eventually let it slide.

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