11- Tim's house

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The drive took about 15 minutes and when we arrived it was completely dark outside. He showed me the guestroom first before heading towards the kitchen to start cooking. I took a moment to look around the room. I put my bag down on the ground next to the bed before sitting down on the bed. I couldn't keep my eyes off the unused candles on the little desk in the corner of the room. 'They had to go.' I thought to myself. I made my way to the living room where I found Tim standing in the kitchen, looking through the fridge.

'Is it okay if I take the candles out of the room?' I explained and he gently smiled at me. 'Of course, do what you have got to do. You can put them down on the little table in front of the tv if you want.' He responded. 'Thank you.' I said and a moment later I came back with three candles. I put them down on the table just like he asked me to do and then turned to Tim. I stood there a little helpless. 'So, I was planning on cooking spaghetti today, unless you don't like that.' He said. 'Oh, no I like spaghetti. Can I help with anything?' I asked. 'Yes, can you cut the vegetables for the sauce?' I nodded and he handed me a knife, cutting board and some vegetables. We started talking again and it was going pretty relaxed. Tim kept staring while I was cutting the vegetables. I think he was worried I was going to hurt myself again, but I didn't. We finished cooking and watched a movie afterwards. It was a fun evening and I was glad I wasn't alone.

'I'm tired. I think that I'm going to bed.' I said when the movie ended. 'Yes, me too.' Tim responded and we both went to our rooms to change. I waited for him to be done in the bathroom before walking in. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, all while staring at myself in the mirror. When I was done and just standing there, I couldn't resist but to lift up my shirt a little. I saw old scars from years ago on my stomach. The long stripes that went horizontal over my lower stomach were a little lighter than my normal skin color. 'You have fought this battle before. You can do it again.' I whispered to myself with my eyes closed. I let my T- shirt go and it dropped back down. I opened my eyes again, breathed deep in and out and turned off the bathroom light. I walked down the hall to the guest room while passing Tim's room. His door was still open and he was sitting on the edge of his bed, going through his phone. I stopped and peeked my head around the corner. 'Good night.' I said and he looked up. 'Yes, good night. Oh, and I'm here if you need anything, okay?' He responded and I nodded before walking off.

I closed the door and layed down on the bed. I kept turning around, not finding a comfortable way to sleep. Maybe I didn't want to fall asleep, because every time I closed my eyes I saw her lying there next to that pool, soaking wet from the water and her own blood. Followed by that bastard in the back of our shop and then a hunted and fake family photo of me and my real parents. It took me about an hour to fall asleep. 

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