13- Before shift

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I was in the changing room, changing into my uniform. This morning was pretty relaxed. After my nightmare I slept the whole night on Tim's shoulders. It was pretty weird to think about. Sleeping on your boss's shoulder, but he didn't really look bothered by it, so I let it go. He made a bit of a fuss about me going to work today. He felt like I was too distracted to produce good work, but I need the distraction. He eventually gave in and gave me a lift since I left my car here. When I was done changing, I slammed my locker shut, harder than I wanted. I turned around and couldn't help but stare at Zoe's locker. Someone still had to clear that thing out. I pushed the feelings down and started walking towards the door when I bumped into Angela. 'Hi, Lucy. How are you?' Angela asked. 'I'm fine.' I growled, walking past her, not looking up from the ground.

I looked at my phone and saw that I still had 5 minutes left before roll call started. I wanted to walk in when I heard Grey shout my name. I turned around and he waved at me to come into his office. I looked over at Tim who just came out of Grey's office and was now avoiding my look. 'This day keeps getting better and better.' I thought to myself before walking in. 'You wanted to see me, sir.' I said. 'Yes, close the door and sit down, please.' He said and I did what he asked. 'So, I'm aware that you have a lot to figure out right now, but I just wanted to talk to you about everything that we will need to arrange before the funeral.' He started. 'I haven't really given it much thought.' I said, feeling heavy by the subject of the conversation.

'I know, I think the LAPD will arrange a lot but now that I know about your relationship, I would assume you would like to do some things or add some things.' He explained and I nodded. 'Yes, I don't know if I'm allowed to, but I would like to be the one to clear out her office and locker. I don't know how many personal things she kept there and I would like to be the one to find those.' I hesitated a little, scared I was asking too much. 'Of course we can do that.' He replied. 'And if you think of things she would've liked, you can always let me know, okay?' He added and immediately, something shot to mind. 'Yes, she made a list once, about things she would want.' I said, and Grey gave me a weird look. 'You know her. She likes to be prepared.' I added and he grinned. 'Yeah, I have never met someone more organized than her.' He said and I smiled, thinking about it.

'Okay, well that's it for now. I will search her locker combination and I'll give it to you after roll call.' He added. 'Thank you.' I said and I stood up. 'Oh wait.' He said and I turned around again. 'I also talked to Tim and we decided to take you off patrol for today. Because you won't listen to our advice, we decided we'll give you a forced day off.' he smiled and I playfully rolled my eyes. 'Of course he did. Okay, well then I'll use today to clear her stuff out.' I said and walked out. I went back to the changing room and quickly swapped my uniform for my normal clothing.

When I was done, I waited outside the roll call room at one of the desks for Grey to give me the locker combination. I watched how Tim couldn't stop staring at me and after sitting there for two minutes, John and Jackson finally saw me. They looked at me confused but I avoided their gazes. Five minutes later, Roll call finished and everyone started walking out. Tim was the first person to arrive. 'So you weren't joking when you said you would take me off patrol.' I joked. 'I'm just looking out for you and...' He started. 'No, I know and Thank you, I guess.' Tim laughed and I couldn't help but smile too. He always made me feel better when I was down.

'Here you go. You know which locker it is?' Grey handed me a small note and I nodded. 'Yes I do, thank you.' 'No problem.' He answered. 'Wait, what is that?' Tim asked, confused. 'Zoe's locker combination. Since I have a day off, I thought I would clear out her locker and office.' I said like it was the most normal thing on earth but Tim looked concerned. 'That was not what I meant with 'take a day off'.'' He argued. I wanted to respond but I got interrupted.

'Lucy, are you on patrol today?' Jackson asked. John was standing next to him. I decided to use the Tim technique to answer. 'No.' I simply said. That answer was totally not helpful for them. 'Then, what are you doing here?' Jackson continued. 'Working.' I said and I looked at how Tim tried to hide his laughter. 'So, why aren't you wearing your uniform?' John asked. 'Because I'm not working.' I responded without laughing. Grey and Tim were now both grinning from ear to ear, holding in their laughter. 'Boot!' Angela shouted. 'Where are our war bags?!' Nyla finished her sentence. 'We need to go but you need to tell us what is going on.' Jackson said, pointing his finger in my face. 'I will when I'm ready, now please go.' I begged and Jackson and John left.

'Are you planning on telling them or is this going to be a secret until they find out themselves?' Grey asked. 'I want to tell them, but one problem at a time.' I answered and he nodded. 'Okay, well good luck. If you need anything, I'll probably be in my office.' He added and I thanked him before walking away. I saw that they kept standing there, probably talking about me, but it didn't matter.

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