22- The station

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Tim parked the car in the car park and Grey came up to us as soon as we arrived. He was still in his navy blue suit. 'Why didn't you tell me, those were your parents? Are you guys okay?' Grey sprung it a little on me. 'Yes, we're fine, nothing happened to us.' I answered his last question. 'And to answer your other question. Those people aren't my parents.' I saw Grey frown, confused. 'Well, biologically they are, but I want nothing to do with them anymore. Anyway, I would appreciate it if you would just call them by their name.' Grey nodded in response. 'I understand, no problem. I do have to say, they are something else.' He said. 'Did they cause much trouble? What did they do?' I knew my parents and I knew how stubborn they were. 'Oh no, everything is fine now, but yes, they did cause some trouble.' 'What kind of trouble.' Tim asked. He just saw first hand how they could be. 'They... They wanted to offer Smitty money for his degree in becoming a doctor if he let them go.' Grey explained and I could read the disappointment on his face. I bit my lip, trying not to laugh. That failed miserably when I looked over my shoulder to Tim who had the same struggles. One second of eye contact and we bursted out laughing. 'I would run away screaming if Smitty would be the one to operate on me.' I giggled and Grey and Tim did the same.

We continued talking for a while about everything that happened and then it was time for the fun part. Paperwork. Tim and I were sitting at one of the desks, filling out a stupid form when some people came up to us. 'We can't even leave you guys alone for a second, can we?' the first person said. 'Your parents are really crazy.' The other one added. Tim and I looked up and saw about everyone standing there, John, Jackson, Nyla and Angela. Nyla and Angela grabbed a chair and sat down. 'What are you doing here? I thought you guys had a day off?' Tim asked and I thought exactly the same. 'We can say the same about you two.' Jackson smiled. He walked towards me and put his hands on my shoulders. 'How are you doing with all this?' John asked me. 'I'm fine... for now. I don't really know yet, but I'll be okay.' 'That's good.' Tim and I finished the paperwork and talked a little more about what happened today.

After that Tim and I went home. I slowly got better and when I needed to fall back, there was always someone to catch me. I stayed with Tim for a little while longer until Jackson moved in with me. The group and I made a little memorial wall for my mom and our Captain.

I know you're never going to read this, but I still wanted to write this. You were the person I needed in my life to live, but now you're gone, I found my own way of living. You connected me with people that are keeping my head above the water and I wanted to thank you for that mom. Thank you for believing in me and helping me to become the person that I am now. I finally took your advice and I will never talk to my real parents again. I hope you're proud of what you see and I'll protect your spirit, I promise. Your spirit will always have a place in my heart and in the station. I have to go now. It's getting really chilly in this cemetery and Tim is waiting for me in the car. I love you and see you later.

- Your daughter

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