Healer's Progs

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 Bald Pas waved up a screen. I remembered a lot about this stuff, but I needed for him to kind of teach me from scratch. While Farley was learning, too, I made fast progress. Hoped poor Bess would be all right now, but she still needed progs for epilepsy, stomach troubles, anxiety, and balance problems! No wonder she's thin! Older Pas spoke with both her parents, now that they worked out the farm.

But a lady came in and Farley went over to her. "Are you well?"

"You're nice. M-my roommates just got married and said they saw their futures and they—two fellas just showed up at our door! Yesterday I never thought that aliens would come, but I saw a speech that says slavers—that two people escaped from 'em but they haven't found 'em yet—I guess I'm glad I'm leaving Earth." This Black girl had light enough skin to just be a nice tan, but her nose was very broad at the base, and her kinky hair had beads in neat rows. Very classy-looking. Her brown dress had geometric patterns I'd seen downtown at vendors who catered to Black folks. The stuff fascinated me.

"May I help you contact your relatives? I am Farleikon, Diplomat Of Esta Faho, and I am trained to assist—"

She broke down crying. "My p-parents died, but they were-were only children. I never—my social w-worker couldn't find a relative."

"We have progs to trace relations." My husband waved.

I tried to pay attention to Pas, but he was choosing herbs for Bess and talking to a healer about it. Can't do anything until he finishes.

A gasp. "Becky's my 3rd cousin? And Bedelia's my 6th cousin? No wonder they put up with me! But now they're m-married and they w-won't have time for me."

"I can send a diplomat to these others—"

"No! I have t-terrible social anxiety, and this sh-ship's crowded, and I just—emb-barrass myself."

The Pas who wanted to live with us took her arm. "Please, Maiden, sit here. I am a healer and wish to help. I can offer a mild herb to calm you."

She looked into his red-gold eyes and kept sobbing. "M-my parents were addicts! I p-probably shouldn't take anything!"

"O, you suffered! Sit here. I think you may take an herb safely, and I will watch over you."

My Pas finished, so I put in the herbs he chose and how often he wanted them given, for which symptoms, and he ran it. I didn't feel comfortable that we didn't test it! But he wasn't going to run it and leave Bess. Her sleep got more restful.

Farley and Fa talked with the new arrival. "O, you are Becky's friend, who shall reign over us, at Antomias' side! He is our 1st Prince, and a well ruler!"

"He's r-royalty?! Becky'll b-be too busy and I'll n-never see her!" She got upset.

Fa rubbed her head. "Daughter, nae this upset. Our kingdom is very small. There are only 400 of us. Any of us who wish time with our king and our 1st prince have it, and I am sure Becky will wish you to see her!"

"I-I wish I had somebody to b-bring me candy and fl-flowers!" She sighed.

"O, when Antomias and Jos Keil went to your home, they knew what to bring because they saw memories of your friends. But they had nae guide for you, to know what you like, Maiden."

"Fa, Nes is crying in his chamber, because he has nae maiden! Tom and Jos tried to bring him, and he loves Bedelia, and is distraught! Maiden, I think you need one another."

The girl held a vial of white powder, as if it were a snake ready to strike. "I-I don't think this stuff works. M-Maybe it's old. I don't think I c-can handle meeting a-anyone else! I always—I s-said too much like I always d-do!" She still sobbed.

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