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 I knew from my time in DS, landing is scary. Slavers wait until a ship hits the atmosphere, then they throw a containment around it to capture it. Ships are easy for a slaver to find there because the pilot's sending a holo to the government for permit. That's why they weren't searching for relatives while we flew. But, friction in the atmosphere shows the exact location of the ship. I clung to them as hard as all of 'em did me!

Half the hull vanished. A girl screamed! "Aaaah! The ship fell apart!"

One pilot ran to her. "Lady, normally I wouldn't open the ship like that, but this is Alb Seer. Theaspaura, King Of Fhiah, is coming to welcome everyone to a festival. Asha's ship is fine, and not damaged." One of the purple fellas.

She laughed, and her face was very red. "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't think I'll ever get used to space travel!"

Farley's fear rumbled on me louder than the others'. He also sweated more.

Theaspaura came. Farley expected a man who looked like a fairytale king, with long, silver curls, and old. This man had dark curls to his collar and bright blue eyes like most people in Fhiah. "Friends, I declared a festival, and healers tell me is well for most to enjoy this festival for an hour while we move those who need to go to other worlds of Alb. Your ships will now separate for your journeys home. Once all are on their ships, your travel is only 4 Earthan minutes.

"Those of you who are well, please, enjoy the festival for an hour. Then one will guide you to your ship.

"I know those who came from slavery are unwell for this, so I have many bakers and sweeters to go to them." He motioned to an army of people with trays! They came aboard. A healer had to carry a woman out, but other healers kept the tray upright. Or maybe a prog did.

"Welcome to Alb. I shall nae weary my Earthans who came with you. Enjoy the festival!"

A lot of Earthans went out, including my family and Jason and Brian's and even Steven's families. I didn't want to leave Farley's family, and his DS Team stayed, too. Healers moved all of us to the yellow ship.

We kept working on progs. Bedelia helped brown-haired Pas with comforting some of the yellow Zheien in our area.

We had a much smaller crowd, but Cevit Ion and his family were near us. Peh Ras took me to help him adjust Jirris' progs, Cevit Ion's brother. It shocked me that he wanted me to do this. He didn't ask Elsie, but an Earthan named Leyla joined us. "Pon is asleep, but Becky and Cara stayed with him. Is there anyone else from Marenalay?"

"Asha, Diplomat Of Elshar Zheiea, but Leyla, you should nae speak of this. They will be very unwell!"

"How can he not talk about where he grew up?"

Pas, the older one, ran to her. "Lady, he must have healing for weeks to be stronger. Jirris was there also, and he is very unwell from witnessing so many deaths."

Her blue eyes filled. "Deaths? Who would hurt a Zheien?"

"Let us ne discuss. You wish to learn to write progs, ea? Peh Ras asked me to see Jirris and make some recommendations. Ashapat will sit with us as well."

We all sat with them. Leyla knew the basics from helping with her new husband's progs. Oh. Pondaiash, Farley's tutor! Pas and Ashapat warned us not to tell Farley that he's here yet. Pondaiash can't stand the excitement. Pirad is doing gradual mods on his heart, and when that finishes, Farley can see him.

I liked Leyla and promised to bring Allison and Rose with me when we come to visit them. Her girls are about their ages.

Before I knew it, the pilot took his place at the bulge in the console. I tried not to look nervous.

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