Poisons To Foil Mican

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One of the mine poisons was a part of a new poison I found in people on all five worlds. People trade with each other. With every trader's ship, mine poisons got into the farming worlds' food. This new poison was another combination poison without a name. And, it started 50 years ago when Gedda Dier sent scientists to start that weapons facility in Esta Faho.

"What are you doing? You can't mix that, you'll cause an explosion—"

"We did this on Vohl, and you know why. If we seed this on every world of Rahn Estar, Mican can't see what we're doing."

The other scientist added a vial to the mixture. "This is a common mine poison, and it's in all of our Tessite mines, but in few others in the 4th. I think they will miss it."

"I'm sad we have to resort to this, but the Zheien are going to die out anyway. With this, they'll forget things. They might not realize how many people are dying every year." The other one added a vial.

"With the amount of soldiers all of us have to contribute, they might just think it's that. They don't come back from Eriganh's attacks. Look at what happened on Lisbaar. I want revenge on Rentappenen! My poor family."

"Don't think, my friend. Gedda Dier may be gone, but if someone finds her aandat and steps in it, we might yet win."

"Did you know? Pasha Hamar died again last week."

A gasp. "But, they were supposed to live again to fight! Are you sure?"

"Rahn Wenh Cet inspected the lab just before we released the agent on our soldiers. He figured out our secret and somehow, he ruined our work. Mican suspects us. But, we can fake an accident, can't we? There's just the two of us here. If we set it off, they won't find our bodies. But, they will run a vaporizer to clean the lab. I can alter it to spare our work so that does it for us.

"Mican will fall, but our brothers will be the ones to do that. He is coming today with plans to move the facility. I put equipment and supplies in Burial Chambers, and my brother knows how to access it. We do not have wives or families here, and we miss them, don't we? Mican can't stop us from journeying to Elohaia, free from Eriganh and his evil."

"You don't want to wait and see if Gedda Dier comes b—"

"If she does, she'll only live 2 weeks. How can she do anything? Recloning won't work. We need to do this now. Mican is coming back!"

The first man smiled as he used a finger to stir the mixture.

An explosion of blue and purple flames rocked Mican's ship and damaged it! He almost died, but they set it off too soon!

I jumped.

"What did you see?" Via held my head.

Pirad added a hand, and it went from freezing to hot! "I can use this! I have to go to Kirnonos!" He vanished in that white light.

Farley held me and cried. "This is how Fieran Tas and his scientists died? His son, Tasafier, taught me of weapons, he was my tutor, and he told me his father had secrets, but I nae knew—o, I must nae speak of this! Dear wife!"

Now that he woke up, I saw even more connections and wrote more progs. Farley helped me with some of the research that healers knew. A lot of his questions mystified them. They didn't know about a lot of the poisons, that were classified by Science Service as harmless substances.

People scrambled to Esta Faho, to write progs to contain 'em! I designed a new kind of hazmat suit to filter out these new poisons. Scientists who design these suits in Fhiah helped me with it, and they changed the ScSv Guides to add them in every biome maintenance facility in the Alliance and in the Unified, plans spread by Hubs. Without testing?

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