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New back cover copy:Workaholic high school student learning programming, Ella Farnsworth, stays busy to cope with her dysfunctional family. Farley gives her a pocket computer the day SETI discovered aliens. When he offers her a ride home, he reveals her future. Suddenly, to save his life, she has to marry him and she and her family travel to his home. His people moved to a new world and healers need her skills to save lives. Nothing about the memories she has of their marriage and where they live is the same, except her love for her new husband, and fear of his death.

I'm uploading chapters! I'll release 3 new ones on Tue, Th and Sat at 1 am until it's all here for you. Thanks to everyone who's read it so far.

AboutThe Cover

Ella and Farley characters created and rendered in DAZ Studio by Dannis Cole.

Background photo of Atlanta on Luckie St. near Georgia State University 

by pexels-luis-negron-260501657.jpg

Cropped to show Luckie St sign prominently. This street is near GSU, and Ella's Saga opens in a cafe near it where Ella is wolfing a Reuben. The cafe' is Highland Bakery.

Farley meets her there.

I used the Canva ebook blank template, put Luis Negron picture as background, added render of Ella and Farley from DAZ, got


Backpack picture from Pexels, 

erased the background by hand in GIMP, 

added transparency to get rid of the background, but it made the backpack pretty transparent, too. I added the backpack behind Ella and it barely shows. 

Revised tagline and added that on cover, too.

I also wrote an entirely new back cover copy which is too big to fit on the cover.

Ella's SagaWhere stories live. Discover now