Poor Girl In Love With Rich Guy (human size)

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Rylee's POV

For the longest time, I've been in love with the richest and most popular person in the whole school. His name is Harry Styles and he's so cute and so beautiful. The only thing is I've never met him so I don't know if he would notice a poor girl like me. What if he only dates rich people? I lose my train of thought when I accidentally bumped into someone and fell over. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I regained my vision and looked up to see Harry in front of me making my heart beat really fast. "Are you ok, sweetie?" I didn't know what to say due how nervous I was. "Here. Let me help you up." Harry gently helped me up but I was still shaking in fear. "It's ok, sweetie. I won't hurt you. I know you're nervous but I'm very gentle." I was surprised at how kind Harry was which made me blush. "I-I'm sorry." I said nervously. "No need to apologize. Why don't I make it up to you later?" I didn't know what to say but I nodded nervously. "I'll see you around." I walked to my next class after my encounter with Harry. I sat in the back of the class due to how embarrassed I was due to the fact that I couldn't talk to him. I then realized he was in my class and he looked over at me.

Harry's POV

I was totally bummed that I didn't get the girl's name because I thought she was really cute. But I understood that she was very shy and she felt intimidated by the fact that I'm the richest person in the school but I didn't care about that. I've always thought people want to hangout with me for the money but this girl seemed different. The cutest thing about her is her height. She's only 4'9 which is very tiny and I was tempted to give her a big bear hug but I figured I'd take the time to get to know her first. Once I got to class, I noticed that same girl was in the same class as me so I decided to go sit next to her. "Well, hello, little one. I was hoping to see you again." I said sit next to her. "Y-You sure you wanna be seen with me?" She asked nervously. "Of course, sweetie. Why wouldn't I wanna be seen with you?" I asked curiously. "Well, you've never spoken to me before and I assumed you would only hangout with other rich and popular kids. I didn't think you'd want to hangout with a lower class emo girl." Said Rylee. "I honestly don't care about that. I sat over here because I wanted to and I think you're really cute." I saw her cheeks turn red as I called her cute. "What's your name?" I asked. "It's Rylee." "That's such an adorable name. It fits you." We lost our train of thought when Mr. Smith came in. "Alright, class. Today, I'll be handing out the assignment for your next project. This time I'm letting you work with a partner." I was so happy because I wanted Rylee to be my partner. "Harry, who do you choose as your partner?" Asked Mr. Smith. "I choose Rylee." Everyone in room gasped which really confused me. "Alright. Rylee and Harry are partners." We all picked up our partners before the bell rang. "You wanna sit with me at lunch?" I asked. "I-I usually sit by myself." Said Rylee still nervous. "It's ok, Rylee. I promise you nothing will happen to you. I won't let anyone hurt you." I said helping her open up more. "O-Ok." Said Rylee. "Cool. I'll see you there."

Rylee's POV

I was a little nervous walking down the hallway towards the cafeteria as everyone was staring at me. I know for a fact it's because Harry chose me as my project partner. Once I got to the cafeteria, I looked around for Harry while everyone kept staring at me. I heard some people whisper lies about me which made me nervous. That's when I felt a huge arm wrap around me. "There's my new favorite girl. You ready to find a place to sit?" I looked up at Harry nervously. "Rylee, what's wrong?" I began to tear up. "They're all staring at me and whispering things about me." I said starting to shake. "Rylee, it's ok. I'm right here with you." Harry gave me a hug. "I won't let them get to you. Let's go sit down and eat, ok. Lunch is on me." Harry escorted me to the line and payed for our meals before heading off to our table. "You're so sweet, Harry. I really thought you'd be stuck up and not want anything to do with me." I said sitting down. "I've never liked hurting anyone. I may be rich but I prefer to be nice to people regardless of status. Especially because I don't know what someone's going through." I was about to say something until I felt something being thrown at me from behind me. "Hey, what's going on?" That's when the other rich kids came up to us. "Rylee, that spaghetti is a good look for you." Said Olivia. "Yeah, it's an improvement from how ugly you usually are." Jason and Olivia laughed along with the others. "Hey, leave her alone." Said Harry. "Don't be silly. We're just having a little fun with Rylee." Said Tiffany pouring her coffee all over me. "Please stop. Why are you all so mean to me?" I began to cry. "SHUT UP! YOU STOLE HARRY FROM US AND HE'S ONLY USING YOU TO MAKE HIMSELF LOOK GOOD! WHY WOULD HE CARE ABOUT SOMEONE AS UGLY AS YOU!?" That's when I started to cry even harder and ran out of the cafeteria. "RYLEE, WAIT!" I didn't listen to Harry as I was too humiliated and continued to run out and into the theatre.

Harry's POV

I was absolutely furious at what I witnessed. My poor Rylee was humiliated by the other rich kids which broke my heart. I've had enough and finally told them off. "DO YOU GUYS REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?! YOU HUMILIATED RYLEE IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL?! I'M SO GLAD I'M NOT FRIENDS WITH YOU GUYS ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU GUYS TREAT PEOPLE LIKE SHIT FOR NO REASON!" I yelled at them for making Rylee cry. "Why do you care about her? She's obviously using you for the money." Said Olivia. "That's a lie! Not once has she ever thought about using me for my status! Rylee is the sweetest girl in the whole school! I don't care if she's a lower class than us! I'd rather hangout with her than you guys!" I said firmly. "If she's not using you then why'd you buy her lunch?" Asked Jason. "Because I offered to buy her lunch! What's wrong with a generous offer?! I suggest you guys leave Rylee alone before I report you all to the principal!" After I was done yelling at them, I went to look for Rylee. "Please be ok." I said nervously worried about Rylee. I then heard crying in the theatre so I went in to find Rylee's heartbreaking cries. I went up to comfort her. "My sweet Rylee. Come here." I said pulling Rylee in for a hug. "Harry, I don't wanna ruin your shirt." She continued to cry. "I don't care about my shirt right now. Let's go get you cleaned up." I took Rylee to the gender neutral restroom to clean Rylee. "It'll only take a few minutes." I gently cleaned off the coffee and spaghetti from Rylee and fixed her eye makeup. "There you go. You're good as new."

Rylee's POV

I felt grateful For Harry cleaning me up but I still felt humiliated and scared. "Come here, Rylee." Harry pulled me into a hug which allowed me to cry into his chest. "Those jerks really hurt you. How long have they been picking on you?" Asked Harry. "3 years. That's why I'm usually alone so they wouldn't pick on me. They're always telling me how poor and ugly I am. That's also why I never spoke to you before today." Harry slowly let go of me and held my arms. "I had no idea they were picking on you for so long. I've always wondered why you're always crying and avoiding me but I never knew why until today. They bullied you into thinking you're ugly which is far from the truth." I began to calm down a little. "That's not the only thing." I said. "What do you mean?" I took a deep breath and began to speak. "I've had a huge crush on you since the day I first saw you but I was too scared to let you know because I thought I wasn't good enough for you." I began to cry again thinking Harry was going to reject me but instead he gave me a kiss on the lips.

Harry's POV
My eyes went wide as Rylee confessed her love for me and felt bad for not noticing her before. This poor girl suffered three years of bullying and all because they thought she was too poor and ugly for me. That's when I bent down to kiss her on the lips as I felt so much love and compassion for such a sweet little angel. I pulled away after 7 seconds and pinched her cheek. "Rylee, I am so sorry for never noticing you before. I knew I had secret admire but I never knew it was you." I wiped Rylee's tears away and kissed her nose. "I know you were afraid to talk to me before and I now know why. But when I met you earlier today, I felt nothing but love for you. You're so cute and beautiful and just the sweetest girl I've ever met." I began to smile a little more as Harry told me how much he loved me. "Let's go head back to the cafeteria."

Rylee's POV

I felt really nervous but I let Harry escort me back to the cafeteria which everyone looked towards us again. "Attention everyone. I'm about to ask a beautiful little angel a very important question." I was wondering what Harry was going to do when when got down on one knee. "Rylee, would you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" My jaw dropped as he asked me to be his girlfriend. Considering how much he's done for me today, I have my answer. "Yes!" Harry picked me up and spun me around while everyone gave us a round of applause. Harry kissed me on the cheek and put me back down. "I don't care what her status is. Rylee loves me for me and not for my money. She's a sweet little angel that stole my heart and I love her very much." For the longest time I've always been invisible to Harry. Not just because I'm short but because of our status levels. But now that I know how he really is, I fell in love even more. Harry is the sweetest man I've ever met and I love him more than anything. He's an angel sent from heaven above and he saved my life. I'll forever be thankful for Harry.

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