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Harry's pov
I've been wanting to adopt a new companion for a while now so I went to the pet shop to see what they might have for me. What I didn't realize was there were tinies available. I was really surprised because I've never seen so many tinies at once. A lot of them were only an inch in height, which is really small. I noticed a lot of them were really scared and hurt. I've always heard stories about them getting abused by so many careless people. It really breaks my heart to see so many innocent little beings suffer. My eyes then landed on a little girl who's covered in bruises. She looked like she was about 5 or 6. I slowly crouched down to get a closer look at her. "Hello." I spoke softly.

Y/N's pov
I jumped as the human came close to me. I've been afraid of humans ever since the last human hurt me so many times. I'm only 5 years old and the man who hurt me ate my parents and treated me like a slave. I ended up in this pet shop because I couldn't live with that man anymore. When he left, he said some very hurtful things. Now the new human in front of me came up to me. He seems nice but what if he turns out to be like the last guy. "Hello." His voice rumbled a little but he spoke very softly. I suddenly got really scared as I thought he was going to scream at me. I eventually started crying. "P-Please don't hurt me." I said as I backed up. "Hey, it's ok, honey. I won't hurt you." I looked at him while I was still crying. He seemed like he was sincere in his words but I was still very cautious. "You don't need to be scared, sweetheart. Harry's gonna take you to his house to keep you safe, ok?" I slowly walked up to him as he told me he was going to take me to his house. I've been wanting a safe place to live for a while. I backed up in fear as the store clerk came up to the man in front of me. "Is she the one you want?" Asked the store clerk. "Yes. I want to give her good home." Said the nice man as he smiled kindly to me. I suddenly got scared as the store clerk grabbed me forcefully. "Your total is $7.95, Mr. Styles." Said the store clerk before he told me the rules on how to behave as I nodded in fear and put me in a box.

Harry's pov
I didn't like the fact that the store clerk put the little girl in a box but I ended up paying anyway. As I got to my car, I opened the box to take out the tiny girl. "Let's get you outta there, honey. The box is no place for a sweet little girl like you." I said as I gave her a gentle kiss. "I'm going to put you in my shirt pocket while I drive home." I carefully put the tiny girl in my shirt pocket and drove to my house. Soon as I got home, I went into the front door, went upstairs to my bedroom, laid down on the bed, and gently took out the tiny girl. "Welcome to your new home. You'll be much safer here than at your old place." I gently set her down on my tummy. "So what's you name, baby girl?" She looked at me nervously as I asked her. "Y-Y/N." Her little voice was so cute that it brought a smile on my face. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. My name's Harry. I'm here to take care of you." I said as I gently rubbed her back with my pointer finger. I knew I had to be careful because of how small she is. She's no more than an inch which is really tiny. "You hungry at all, baby?" I asked her. She nodded. "Yeah. Me too." I gently picked Y/N up, walked to the kitchen, and set her down on the table very gently. "I'm going to make us mac and cheese, ok, baby?" I told her as I began making the mac and cheese. I decided to bake it to give it a better texture.

Y/N's pov
I was starting to warm up to Harry. So far, he's definitely a whole lot nicer than the last human I dealt with. Harry let's me snuggle with him, he gave me a gentle kiss, let me in his shirt pocket, and decided to make me mac and cheese. The last human would punish me for no reason. Harry is so gentle that I almost want to think he's a giant teddy bear. When he came back over to the table to sit down, I went over to hug his finger. "Hi, sweetheart. You warming up to me now?" I squeezed his finger even more. "I'll take that as a yes. You're so cute." He said. "The last human never never let me snuggle with him. He would treat me like a slave. And I'm only 5 years old." I said as I was about to start crying. "You poor thing. No one should ever treat a child like that. That's child abuse." I cried even more. I continue to hug his finger until i felt him scoop me up. "Please don't cry, baby bear. Harry's here to protect you. He won't let anyone harm you anymore." His words were so calming I almost want to fall asleep but I couldn't because I'm hungry. "You're my little angel." He brought me closer to his face and gave me a kiss. His lips were so big that they caress my entire body. I didn't mind it because of how soft they were. I ended up giggling as I knew I felt safe. "I love you, Harry." I said as I laid down in his hand. "I love you, too, princess." He then put me back down on the table. "I'm gonna get the mac and cheese out." I smiled in excitement as he went over to get the mac and cheese out of the oven.

Harry's pov
As soon as I took the mac and cheese out of the oven, I let it cool down a little, put it on separate plates, and brought them to the table. "Here you go, sweetie." I put her plate down next to Y/N. "Thank you, Harry." Said Y/N. "You're welcome, baby girl." I said as I started eating. I decided to watch Y/N as she ate because she looked so cute. She's so small that even the small portion size I gave her was bigger and it's adorable. After I finished eating, I put my plate in the dishwasher, sat back down, and patiently waited for Y/N to finish eating. "I was thinking maybe we can sit in front of the fire place and relax. I get really cold around this time of year and I like to be warm." She looked at me smiling which made my heart melt. "I'd love to, Harry." I smiled at her cute voice. "You're such a little cutie." I said with a smile on my face. As Y/N finished eating, I went over to put her plate in the dishwasher, went back over to gently clean her face, gently scoop her up in my palm, walked into the living room, turned on the fire place, and sat down on the chair. I gently set Y/N down on the armrest, took off my shirt, gently picked up Y/N, and put her on my tummy where my butterfly tattoo is. "There you go, baby." I gently rubbed her back as I felt her little body snuggle on my tummy. "Your skin is so soft, Harry. You're like a giant teddy bear." I chuckled at how cute Y/N's words were. "That's what my goddaughter calls me. She's loves to snuggle and I snuggle with her a lot whenever she comes over." I said as I rubbed her back. "Can I sing you a song she likes to hear?" I asked with a kind smile. "I'd love to hear it." She said with a smile. I took a deep breath and started singing.

If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything, just ask me to
Pay attention, I hope that you listen, because I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenceless

For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely, and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me, from when we're apart
Now you know me, for your eyes only
For your eyes only

As soon as I stopped singing, Y/N snuggled even more. "That was so pretty. Your voice is so beautiful." Said Y/N. "Thank you so much, baby bear. I sing that song to my goddaughter whenever she feels lonely. I felt like this song could work for you as well because it let's you know that I'm here to protect you." I gently picked her up, brought her close, and gave her a kiss. "I love you so much, Y/N. I'll always be here to protect you." I set her back down on my tummy and held her real close. "Why don't you go to sleep? I'll be here to hold you the whole time." I said as she fell asleep. I'm so glad I saved this little girl after all that she's been through. At this moment, I realized that this was something Y/N needed all along. Love, protection, and someone she can snuggle with. I'm never going to let my little angel go.

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