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"The agony was so profound that I found myself yearning for death's merciful embrace, longing for the solace only oblivion could provide."

A/n : This is unedited. Please do comment and vote TYSM! and oh a few chapters left. I think  two or three? lol anywayyyy enjoy reading. I really like to hear your thoughts, guys.



(Y/n) sprang to her feet, her mind a whirlwind of frantic thoughts, all centred on one thing: escape. She scanned the dim room, the others now mere silhouettes in the darkness. The urgency of their situation struck her—Harry couldn't be recognised. If he were, their predicament would worsen unimaginably.

"Harry, forgive me, but I have to do this—Engorgio," she whispered, her voice trembling as she aimed her wand at his nose. It swelled grotesquely.

"It won't work like that. Here—" Hermione interjected, her voice steady despite the chaos. She pointed her wand at Harry's face.

A deafening bang, a blinding flash of white light. Harry crumpled in agony, his features distorted beyond recognition. His face, now swollen and unrecognisable, made (Y/n) shudder. For the first time, she could truly call Harry ugly.

"Get up, vermin."

(Y/n) gasped as Harry was hauled roughly from the ground. She watched in horror as someone rifled through his pockets, confiscating the blackthorn wand. Harry clutched his painfully swollen face, now a mask of torment, his eyes reduced to narrow slits.

Determined, she raised her wand to cast a spell, but—

"Oh no, no, beautiful, you don't point your wand at someone without their knowledge, that wouldn't be fair," a sneering voice cut through the chaos. Before she could react, a strong hand gripped her arm, wrenching her wand away. She struggled, but he held her tightly. Her eyes darted to Ron and Hermione, both being overpowered by five captors, dragged outside.

(Y/n) fought with every ounce of strength, kicking and biting, but he was too strong. He drove his elbow into her stomach, the impact stealing her breath, making her double over in pain. She swore she saw Harry notice, despite his swollen face and missing glasses, because she heard his gasp of horror. He fought back with renewed vigour, desperation fuelling his resistance against the one dragging him away.

"Get—off—her!" Ron's voice rang out, desperate and furious. The unmistakable sound of knuckles striking flesh followed, and Ron grunted in pain as Hermione screamed, "No! Leave him alone, leave him alone!"

"Your boyfriend's going to suffer worse if he's on my list," rasped a horribly familiar voice. "Delicious girl... What a treat... I do enjoy the softness of the skin..."

(Y/n)'s stomach churned. She recognised that voice and that face: Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf granted the privilege of wearing Death Eater robes in exchange for his savagery.

"Do not touch them, you filthy werewolf!" she shouted.

Greyback's cold, emotionless eyes fixed on her. He observed her slowly, his gaze crawling over her from head to toe. A chilling smile crept across his lips.

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