Chapter Nine

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She was standing there, studying you, and you had to resist the urge to read her mind. You didn't want to do that to any of them unless you had to, but she's making it extremely difficult.

Panic was starting to bubble up inside you and your flight or fight was on in full force, you just didn't know which it was leaning more towards.

"I'm starting to think it's you who doesn't like me." She smirked, but you could see that it'd actually hurt if it was true.

"I thought it'd be weird to kiss you," You shrugged, not lying, "But I definitely don't hate you."

"I had to kiss Scott," She pointed out with a small laugh, "It doesn't get weirder than that."

You started laughing with her and then she stopped, watching you with a smile. Your laughter died down and you looked at her. A huge part of you just wanted to tell her right then, it was the perfect moment, and it would make sense, but a nagging part of you wanted to deny it. You just got her to like you and if you admitted to having feelings for her, it could take it all away.

"It was easier just to kiss Bucky and-"

"Carol?" She asked quietly.

"Yes, and Carol." You crossed your arms, clearing your throat, and looking away.

It was strange to see her looking so vulnerable. To see her searching for something when she was always so confident in what she had. You'd admit, it threw you off, but it also just made you like her even more which was a growing problem at this point.

"I should get back," She said suddenly, her stoic expression returning, "Before Tony tries to fly drunk again."

"That's something I'd pay to see." You laughed and she kept her expression, not even smiling like she usually did when you laughed.

Your face fell at her broken-hearted look and for a second you thought maybe she did feel the same, but it was a fleeting thought that was squashed by your insecurities when she turned to leave.

"Hey, Nat?" You called out, internally cringing, right before she reached for the door and she slowly turned back to you, raising her eyebrows, "Wanna let them handle it and maybe we could watch a movie or something? I'm kind of partied out."

It was an olive branch of friendship that you really hope she'd accept, indicating that there weren't any hard feelings between the two of you.

"Yeah, sounds much more fun." She smirked, going to walk next to you in the opposite direction of the party.

You walked side by side to the living room and your hands brushed more than once, making your face heat up. You could sense the permanent smirk she had on your face which confused you a little, but you thought maybe she just knew what she was doing to you.

"Any suggestions?" You asked when she sat on the couch, very close to where you had plopped down.

"Mrs. Doubtfire?" She offered with a small shrug, and you turned in your seat to gape at her.

"Oh my god, I love you."

She started laughing and couldn't seem to stop which made you join her, just barely getting the movie on between it all.

When she stopped laughing, your eyes flickered from her lips and then back to her eyes in a second, but her soft smile and curious eyes told you she noticed. You blushed furiously and before she could respond, you turned back to the TV.

Near the end, around the time it's revealed to the mom at the famous dinner scene, you felt sleepy. Not being in your anxious, levelheaded mind, you found yourself hooking your arm with hers and cuddling into her side, feeling safe. You felt her running her fingers through your hair a couple of times before you let consciousness fade away.

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