Chapter Twenty-One

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Another agent approached you with a collar and the one with the scar yanked it from him before strapping it around your neck tightly. You were still trying with all you had to mentally break away, but they turned it on, and it was the same technology, or better, as that helmet those three Americans used on you. It destabilized you where any time you tried to use your powers, it would only cause pain and no progress.

They saw how much pain it was giving you as you moaned, squeezed your eyes shut tightly, and panted heavily, trying to break out. This worried them rightfully so, and it warned them to hurry. They spoke in another language, German, as they rushed you down the hall after using industrial grade cuffs on your wrists. You were brought up knowing a few different languages as a child because of your parents, but they taught you many more in your time here.

'Taught' is putting it nicely of course.

They strapped you down, shoved a mouth guard past your lips, and lowered the mechanism onto your head.

The shocks of pain were so excruciating, you screamed out to no avail, and you passed out after enduring twelve minutes of the torture, to which they noted.

It could've been minutes, hours, or days.

Time blurred together with no sign of a way out or a rescue team coming to get you. You were buried in this hole underground and you were losing sight of hope. Abandoning everything you knew, forcing these memories, these feelings, out of your mind was painful to say the least. By now, with your experience in places like these, you assisted them to save you. Your powers allowed you to bury your memories, your previous life, so deeply and untouchable that you thought they were gone forever.

And more importantly, so did they.

You were ready for them to give you a mission, but like always, there was a test mission. Something to show them that you were truly on their side, no going back. Something that they could later use against you if you were to try and defy them.

It would be in a controlled room, just you and one other person or machine. You would either have to fight to the death, killing this person with your bare hands, no weapons, or if it was a machine you had to use your training to exploit some government's organization where it would count as cyber terrorism against whatever country they picked.

This was all second hand to you, being back here and under their control, it felt like you never left.

When Fury first recruited you, he cleared you of any warrants out for your arrest thankfully, because you were wanted by the FBI in America for more than a handful of attacks.

~Small Time Skip~

They threw you into a room with a bag over your head and your hands cuffed behind your back for some reason, this part was new to you, but it's not like you had a choice or say in the matter. They muttered a phrase in German that essentially meant, 'kill or be killed, soldier' and suddenly, you had your orders.

There was a shuffling noise nearing you which invoked your strength, encouraged by your powers, and you snapped free of the cuffs, rolling to a stand, and tearing the bag from your head. There was a gasp as your eyes landed on the target and they put a hand to their mouth.

Neither of you had weapons.

The target looked lean like yourself and you were used to more muscular types. You're also used to them making the first move, it's something you've grown to count on, but it's almost like they refused to. You narrowed your eyes, searching their person for any signs of attack and found none.

It was different, but it didn't matter.

You had a mission and you planned on finishing it.

You swiftly approached and raised your fist, clashing it with their face and they fell to the floor hard.

The Spark That Never Dies Part: OneWhere stories live. Discover now