Chapter Three: Dear World, You Are Messed Up, End of Story.

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          I was immediately stressed when I awoke. Even I could see ice on the road, and to be honest I was quite worried. I did not believe that Bella's death trap could get us to school and back without flying into a ditch. And, quite frankly, I wasn't all that confident in Bella's ability to drive. I mean the girl can barely walk without tripping over the air. How can she drive a car, on the ice? Something else seemed off today too, but I could not place it. I had gotten dressed and shoved toast down my throat in record time. We were already running behind, but what can I say? I am most definitely not a morning person. Charlie was explaining to Bella about some snow tires or chains or something. It did not make me feel any better. I spent most of the car ride to school screaming at Bella to slow down and that I didn't want to die. By the time she pulled into the parking lot we only had a few minutes before we had to get to class. I began walking, only to notice Bella was not behind me. She was staring at the Cullens. At that moment a horrible screeching noise filled the parking lot. There, speeding towards Bella was Tyler Crowley's van. I didn't even think. I threw down my backpack and sprinted toward her. I shoved her hard, only to notice she fell right into Edward Cullens arms. He had been across the parking lot seconds earlier. I did not have much time to ponder this seeming as I had managed to get Bella out of the way, but now I was facing the death that had been meant for her. Just as the van was about to hit me, I heard a yell that seemed to come from none other than Alice Cullen. Suddenly an icy hand latched onto my wrist firmly and yanked me backwards. I landed hard, cracking my head against the pavement. My vision decided to desert me for a few seconds. When I could see again I saw Edward remove his hand from a dent shaped exactly like his hand, and take off running. I immediately turned to look at Bella, the movement made my head pound and me groan. Bella's head snapped to me.

"Myla! What were you doing? Are you all right? You idiot!" She screamed, seeming to be having conflicted emotions.

"I just attempted to save your life, the least you can do is not give me even more of a headache." I told her. Everyone seems to have gotten over their initial shock and was now crowding around us trying to help. A bleeding Tyler called apologies to us through his shattered window. I just attempted to tune it all out. At some point I was loaded into the back of an ambulance, any other day I would be losing it, but today my mind was far too occupied. I mean I almost died, but that was not what was most prominent in my mind. No, it was the icy hand that pulled me back. It was inhuman speed and strength Edward displayed. It was what had been on the tip of my tongue this whole time, all brought to the surface by his cold hand. Cold Ones. Billy Black used to tell me the old stories. The stories of the Cold Ones had always intrigued me. That and the stories of the shifters. Somehow, deep in my mind I knew the Cullens were the Cold Ones in the stories. The thought seemed quite crazy, but I just knew it. Everything matched, I think. The Cullens were vampires. Okay that was just plan stupid Myla. Don't be one of those girls that jumps to conclusions. But look at the evidence though. I must have hit my head way too hard. So much for a boring little town. I had my suspicions about some of them, namely Edward. I would have to wait to get them confirmed, until then I would have to be cautious. We had arrived at the hospital and I was not paying attention at all until a doctor walked into the room. I had a thing against doctors. It wasn't really anything personal, I simply did not trust them. I kept my eyes on him as he introduced himself and Dr. Carlisle Cullen and checked out Bells. I scowled when he made his way over to me. He did all his doctory things and pronounced that I had a mild concussion, which I could have told him myself with how bad my head hurt. I got out of school for the rest of the week, which was only two days. Finally we were allowed to leave. Bella disappeared for a while, probably to hunt down her new obsession, Edward the maybe vampire. Oh man, what if vampires exist, this world is messed up no matter what. 

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