Chapter sixteen: A Battle of Horrifying Faces.

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                Well, I was lost. How did I get lost? Well, that is quite simple really. Trudge around behind your sister and a moldy disco ball vampire without paying attention to your surroundings. Then you leave and walk some more and voila you're lost. Now I was wandering around some trees that all seemed to look the same. I knew they were different, but I didn't really care at this point. I knew moss grew on the north side of trees, but I did not know what direction I should be headed in the first place. In my mind the woods had to end at some point, eventually I would find it and go from there. I continued walking and the sun was dipping lower and lower on the horizon. I have been walking all day, plus I missed a full day of classes. Missing one day would be like having a whole week's worth of homework piled up to do. Yay. I heard a twig snap. I mean it was not much different to the sounds I had been hearing. I myself had been stepping on twigs all freaking day. This one though, did not come from under my own foot. The sound itself made the air feel as though it had dropped a couple degrees. I froze. I knew if it was an animal they might go away if there was no more movement from me. But, as I now knew, there were far more dangerous predators than bears. There were vampires, and I did not know how to escape them. I don't think there was any way to get away. So I stood still, waiting for another sound, or the absence of sound to show whatever it was had moved on. Instead I saw a flash of red, then a woman seemingly materialized in front of me. Vampire. Great. This was the end. I had hoped to go out with a bang, dying in the woods by a vampire was not a bang, but I was determined to not show fear. I would rather die showing no fear than being terrified and everyone knows. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. Then I looked up at the vampire women in front of me.

"This is incredibly inconvenient timing. Can you come back tomorrow? I don't feel like dying just yet." I told her. She seemed taken aback for a second, then hissed,

"I don't care about your human schedule." I raised my hands up in surrender.

"Hey, just asking." I said. The women began to circle me as a predator would do its prey, and I guess in a way, that was what was happening. She was on her third pass when she suddenly let loose a feral snarl and leapt forward toward me. I braced myself for death, but I kept my eyes open. I would not die blind if I could see. Just as she was about to hit me another snarl sounded and there was suddenly a large pitch black blur that slammed into her. They both went flying. The black blur appeared to be a very large wolf. They both regained their feet and stood across from each other. They appeared to almost be having a contest on who could be more intimidating. I felt another presence behind me, and I turned to look. Standing behind me was another horse-sized wolf. For a second I met its eyes, and they were too intelligent. These were not regular wolves, at all. I mean most wolves are not the size of a horse. No, these were Quileute shape-shifters. The vampire's eyes widened, and she turned around and fled. The two wolves tore after her.

"Thanks!" I called to them. I mean they saved my life. I may be proud, but I am not impolite, most of the time. It sort of depends. Then I turned and started running the opposite way. I was really hoping not to run into any more supernatural creatures today, or ever. I highly doubt my wish will be granted, seeming as I have to go to school with the supernatural. Well, nonetheless, I was not fond of the idea of dying today, so I continued running. 

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