Chapter Fifteen: Um, Just How Hard Did She Hit Her Head?

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                 I followed behind the would-be lovebirds as we trudged up the side of the mountain. I was glad Edwerido hadn't insisted on using his creepy speed. Nonetheless, my legs were tired. I don't exactly enjoy walking almost vertically up a mountain with a sister who may have hit her head a little too hard, and a vampire. Bella must be crazy if she is taking all this okay and still wants to be with him. I mean he is like 80 years older. Gross! Any relationship with a boy is gross. They are all idiots, they just get bigger as they grow. I have yet to meet a boy who is not a total idiot, or jerk. Quite frankly I think asking for 1 million dollars would be easier. That is just my opinion, don't like it? I don't care, deal with it or don't. These bitter thoughts resided in my head for most of the interminable climb. Eventually though, believe it or not, we reached the top. Edward looked like he had just tasted something sour. Bella moved to stand near me in the sun. Edward took a deep breath and dramatically stepped into the light. When the light hit him he...sparkled? I did what any sensible person would do. I doubled over laughing. I mean, he is supposed to be some big bad vampire man, and he looks like an old disco ball. Bella did not have the same reaction as me. Instead of finding it musing, or being scared, she seemed to find it fascinating.

"It's like diamonds. You're beautiful." She stated. How many times was she dropped as a baby? Did she get enough oxygen at birth? That is not how you're supposed to react!

"Beautiful? This is the skin of a killer Bella. I am a killer." Edweirdo seemed to have the same thoughts as me.

"I don't believe that." She stated. I had gotten over my laughing fit, and was now a little weirded out.

"Well, I do." I interrupted. They acted as though I hadn't said anything.

"That's because you believe the lie. A camouflage. I am the world's most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell."

"I beg to differ." I muttered. I certainly was not weirdly drawn to this creep, even if Bella was.

"As if I need any of that." Edward laughs bitterly, then disappears. I can feel a small wind and see blurs of color. He appears again in the same spot as before. "As if you could outrun me!" He announces angrily. He then rips a large limb off a tree and throws it into another tree. Well, just go ahead and destroy the forest. It's not like we aren't suffering from air pollution already. We definitely don't need the oxygen the trees provide. I mean dude, dramatic much? "I am designed to kill." He states, he sounds almost defeated when he admits this. Like it is a great weight upon his shoulders that he can not shake off.

"I don't care." Is what Bella says. Was she asleep during his whole fit of passion about his abilities? She should care!

"I've killed people before." Edward presses. This dude is confusing. I mean he follows her out into the woods and clearly likes her, but keeps trying to convince her that he is evil.

"It doesn't matter." Bella says firmly, at this point I can no longer keep quiet.

"Yes, it does! I am pretty sure you are not allowed to date murderers!" I point out loudly. They both completely ignore me. Not even looking in my direction. I do not like being ignored, at least not most of the time.

"I wanted to kill you. I've never wanted a humans blood so much in my life." Edward sounded strained.

"I trust you." Bella replied. I boggled. I knew she was a little wrong in the head, but to be perfectly fine when someone admits they want to suck you dry more than anyone else they had ever met, I mean that is obviously a red flag.

"Don't" Edward snaps.

"Yeah, don't." I agree with him for once.

"I am here, I trust you." Bells persists.

"I'm done.' I announce, then turn on my heel and walk off. 

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