No caps now what

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She stands at the threshold, a cap on her head,
Young and uncertain, with dreams left unsaid.
The future looms large, a vast open sky,
With questions unanswered, and fears running high.

She smiles for the photos, her heart full of doubt,
The world seems so big, with no clear way out.
Her diploma in hand, a symbol of past,
But the future's a blur, moving too fast.

In lectures and textbooks, she found her escape,
But now there's no guide, no familiar shape.
The safety of campus, the comfort of class,
All fading away, too quickly to grasp.

She's sweet and she's tender, with a heart full of dreams,
Yet the path she should follow is not what it seems.
In the mirror, she wonders who she's meant to be,
An ocean of options, no sign of the sea.

No plans laid before her, no map and no guide,
Just a young girl's reflection, with fears deep inside.
She yearns for a purpose, a place to belong,
A melody waiting to turn into song.

But in her own heart lies a strength still unseen,
A power within her, a hope evergreen.
For though she is fragile, like petals in spring,
She carries within her the courage to sing.

She'll step into the world with her gentle, unsure stride,
And find her own way, with time as her guide.
For plans are but whispers, in life's grand design,
And she'll carve out her path, one step at a time.

So here stands a graduate, sweet and sincere,
With a heart full of wonder, despite all her fear.
For the future is hers, though the way is unknown,
And in that uncertainty, her true self will be shown.
She stands with no plans

She stands with no plans

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