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In the quiet corners of my soul, 
Where shadows linger, and whispers stroll, 
You found me, broken, scarred, and torn, 
Yet still, you loved me, weathered and worn.

Your touch, a balm on wounds unseen, 
Your presence, a refuge from where I've been. 
In your embrace, I found solace sweet, 
A haven where pain and sorrow retreat.

For years I carried burdens heavy, 
Wounds of old, wounds aplenty. 
But in your eyes, I found redemption, 
A love that defied my past's deception.

You saw the cracks, the shattered glass, 
Yet still, you stayed, unbroken, steadfast. 
Your love, a beacon in the darkest night, 
Guiding me towards the morning light.

With each tender word, each gentle kiss, 
You healed the wounds I couldn't dismiss. 
You taught me to love, to trust, to believe, 
In a future where scars no longer grieve.

So here I stand, before you now, 
Grateful for the love you've endowed. 
For in your arms, I've found my peace, 
A sanctuary where pain's release.

Thank you, my love, for loving me whole, 
For seeing beauty within my soul. 
With you, I've learned to rise above, 
To embrace the power of love's eternal love.

  With you, I've learned to rise above,  To embrace the power of love's eternal love

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