Good Bye

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Our house echoes with the ghost of her laughter,
Each corner filled with the before and the after.
Her chair at the table stands starkly bereft,
Her side of the room painfully empty is left.

Her brother wanders through days in a daze,
Missing the one who shared all his plays.
He looks for her face in the crowd at the park,
The companion who vanished, leaving a mark.

Her sister clutches the doll they once shared,
Her eyes searching rooms, silently scared.
Questions unanswered stir the night air,
"Why did she leave? Didn't she care?"

Mom holds us close, trying to mask her own tears,
Braving a front to allay our fears.
Her whispers at night float like a sad lullaby,
For the daughter who left, with barely a goodbye.

Yet within this storm of sorrow and pain,
We find together a strength to sustain.
Each memory a beacon that guides through the night,
Holding us close till the morning light.

And though she may wander far from our sight,
We leave a light on every night.
For homes are bridges built over time,
Waiting to welcome her home, hearts intertwined.

For her love I search, a relentless quest,
Feeling her absence like an ache in my chest.
Knowing one day she will return and bring us rest.

Knowing one day she will return and bring us rest

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