Behind closed doors

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In a house with curtains drawn tight,
Lies a world shrouded half in night,
Where whispers scurry through the dark,
And laughter dies in a muted spark.

Her smile, a mask so thinly worn,
Her eyes, like skies before the storm.
Once bright with hopes of gentle days,
Now shadowed under veiled haze.

Each corner echoes a silent cry,
As dreams within her slowly die.
Words like daggers, sharp and keen,
Cut through what might have been seen.

He promised love, a sweet forever,
But chains were hidden in his tether.
A rose with thorns beneath the bloom,
Her love turned cage, her heart entombed.

Nights spent nursing secret scars,
Counting wounds instead of stars.
In the quiet, she feels the ache,
Of a spirit bruised, about to break.

Yet in her depths, a flame burns still,
A stubborn spark, a fierce-held will.
Though battered, beaten, pushed around,
In the deepest dark, she's inward bound.

For even caged birds find their song—
A melody, forgotten long.
One day she'll rise, beyond the pain,
To find her sky, her sun, her rain.

  One day she'll rise, beyond the pain,  To find her sky, her sun, her rain

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