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Dear mother, your name now haunts
the far edges of my thoughts,
a murmur lost in the wind,
a mere shadow under the harsh sun.

Years have slipped away,
yet time has failed to soothe the wound,
the sharp, relentless pain of your absence,
the echoing void where once your laughter thrived.

It seems just yesterday,
you were here,
your smile a beacon in the gloom,
your voice a tender solace.

Grief lingers as a quiet specter,
an unyielding presence,
creeping through the remnants of my days,
a constant reminder of all that's lost.

I cling to fragments of you,
like shards of seashells scattered on a forlorn shore,
each piece a fragile echo of your life, your love.

In the stillness, sometimes I sense you close,
a soft, ephemeral touch,
a whisper, almost real,
as though you never truly vanished.

Mother, though your spirit persists,
intertwined with the essence of my soul,
a part of you that lingers on,
your love—a light dimmed by time.

The agony of your departure
mirrors the depth of my enduring love,
a poignant testament that you are forever near,
in the silent echoes of the past, in each present heartbeat.

The agony of your departuremirrors the depth of my enduring love,a poignant testament that you are forever near,in the silent echoes of the past, in each present heartbeat

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