Such a beautiful soul

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Such a beautiful soul.
Mama did a great job.
The way she loves, she loves hard—
So hard that she often forgets to love herself.
And when others don't give her what she feels she deserves, she loses the ability to smile.
Such a beautiful soul.
Mama did a great job.
But Mama forgot a few details to tell her child:
Don't fall, don't settle, don't get trapped, don't get slapped.
Such a beautiful soul. Mama did fine.
She just didn't prepare her for what was to come next.
Did not prepare her for the monsters that the world has.
Not like the ones in the fairy tales, but the ones in the real world.
The big bad wolf is real.
The witch is real.
The trolls are real.
The only thing that's fake and does not exist in this world is Prince Charming.
That is the only fictional character, but that's another story to tell.

Mama's love was a shield, but it couldn't block everything.
The world's harsh lessons came like a storm,
Whispering truths in the dead of night,
Forcing her to learn resilience, to build her own armor,
Piece by piece, heartache by heartache.

Mama's voice echoes in her mind,
A lullaby of strength, a warning of the wild,
"Trust yourself, dear heart, for the world is cold."
Yet in the shadows, she finds her own light,
Her own way to navigate the dark.

Such a beautiful soul,
Mama did what she could.
She may not have handed her a map to the maze,
But she gave her the courage to carve her own path.
In a world of wolves and witches, she stands tall,
A testament to a mother's imperfect love,
And a soul that refuses to break.

In a world of wolves and witches, she stands tall,A testament to a mother's imperfect love,And a soul that refuses to break

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